Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] been over " in BNC.

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1 We know what the experience has been over the years .
2 We believe that the diagnosis of hiatal hernia has been over exagerated and only manometric studies combined with precise endoscopic evaluation can say whether we are dealing with a true hiatal hernia or a small initial Barrett 's oesophagus .
3 Your lads have been over this place with a fine-tooth comb .
4 Unfortunately for the advertisers , the first battle has been over the least defensible product .
5 The conciliation staff did a bit of homework , and found out how fond Swindown had been over the years for concealing motion and valve gear between the frames , which did not arouse enthusiasm amongst the more portly fitters , who had plenty of experience of these delights with the collective works of F.W. Webb and other C.M.E. 's designs .
6 Since enemy planes had been over the village , ‘ they have all lost their heads ’ .
7 The war had been over a long time .
8 Our experience generally in North Yorkshire 's been over the last ten years that overall , there have been exceptions , but generally overall , there 's not been a problem about local plans drying up and then allocations drying up over the period , generally .
9 A lot of my downfalls have been over Christmas .
10 ‘ The biggest criticism has been over the fact we have not offered season ticket discounts .
11 This may indicate that the conflict has been over peripheral matters , that a core belief in a transcendent power could retain its plausibility , untouched by changing conceptions of the physical world .
12 The real conflict has been over the development of industrial land for retail purposes .
13 I , I know , I know what Terry 's problems have been over the past
14 The investigation will explore : ways of asking about sensitive issues ; the prevalence of a number of forms of sexual abuse ( for example , incest , rape , involvement in pornography ) ; whether the abuse was reported to anyone ; what coping strategies were used at a time ; and what the impact has been over time .
15 Supper had been over a good hour and a half .
16 Do we know what the erm the wastage rates have been over the last few years ?
17 When the incident had been over several minutes , Robert appeared , flustered because Lionel was not yet ready .
18 I outlined what my message had been over the past two weeks and would be at the Party Conference — that we stood by the National Health Service and had no intention of moving over to a new system of finance .
19 Forensic have been over the carpet with the fibre-optic lamp .
20 Whether Ferndale Comprehensive has been over enthusiastic or not it does seem that one union at least seems to think that marketing is one of the deadliest of sins !
21 The greatest controversy has been over the question of assessment and testing .
22 Anna 's mother was upset but nowhere near as upset as Maria Jakob had been over the death of Melusina .
23 However , it became increasingly obvious during the next two years that the Ryder Report had been over optimistic about the market share of Leyland , and that even large injections of capital were insufficient to overcome the problems of poor labour relations , low productivity and entrenched attitudes .
24 And the bed looks like a troop of soldiers has been over it . ’
25 The one serious rift in the trip had been over Northern Ireland .
26 It looks like it 's been on the M twenty five on a Friday night , and every tyre 's been over it .
27 It looked as though a grader had been over it just before the Amazonian rains had spilled over the Andes .
28 It was claimed that this compromise represented significant progress since a May 13 EFTA-EC meeting in Brussels , when the main dispute had been over Norwegian and Icelandic reluctance to allow EC countries improved access to fish in their waters .
29 Disputes between planners and private sector developers have been over matters of detail .
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