Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 So Veronica did n't support herself , Loretta noted .
2 you might think Ah there was a good point now put it down in your own words do n't copy
3 But I 'm a prop , so words do n't hurt me .
4 But there 's only one piece of advice that matters really : think of the general public , in other words do n't produce something that leaves 99 per cent of the public behind . ’
5 Sentences running to 70 or so words do n't help .
6 But er in other words do n't worry if you do n't understand everything today when you do do it because we 'll go over it next erm next week in the lecture and we 'll be going over it in classes as well .
7 Since her words did n't appear to be an invitation to food , he returned his intense concentration to the man .
8 The voice always seemed to come from the shadows or from somewhere just aside from where he was looking ; and usually the words did n't make any sense , and they passed through his mind so quickly that they 'd gone before he could reach for them .
9 She had a hand pressed against the wall for support , and her hard tone and blunt words did n't fool Belinda into thinking she did n't care .
10 Polly wondered instantly , and clamped her lips together so the words did n't spill out .
11 Juliet was studying the road map and her mother 's last words did n't register .
12 Words did n't seem able to describe the confusion of her feelings for fitzAlan .
13 Gloria seemed so pleased that Dot did n't like to say how constricting the coat felt round the neck .
14 I told him that the Owsla 's privileges did n't mean all that much to me in any case and that a strong rabbit could always do just as well by leaving the warren .
15 The letters took ages but somehow Rebecca did n't find it so difficult this time .
16 These guidelines do n't mean you ca n't experiment and find out what feels right for you with another person .
17 These traditional guidelines do n't have to be rigidly adhered to — it 's quite common these days for everyone to lend a hand whether on a practical or financial level .
18 Bows are an option which can work well in the right circumstances , but with a range of only 16″ do n't expect anything too dramatic .
19 And while some people might use a sunscreen abroad , over 40 per cent of those who often suffered sunburn did n't use anything when holidaying in the UK despite the recent hot summers .
20 ‘ Still , the blouse and skirt do n't look too bad , d' you think ? ’
21 ‘ You should have shut the stable door so the damn horse do n't bolt . ’
22 The groom said one of her horses died of colic or some such recently , from eating the wrong things , and the trainer did n't want any more accidents , so he 'd made up the feeds himself . ’
23 That way , yer fellow shipmates do n't take the tar outta yer , and make yer life one long misery . ’
24 ‘ Frankly , it 's amazing that Labour did n't make more of the current economic difficulties , ’ he said , expressing vigorous dissatisfaction at the intellectual content of the election campaign .
25 Labour did n't work hard enough at prising off that glove ; at challenging Thatcher 's theology of individual self-sufficiency ; instead it rejected the radical compassion of international socialism for the gloss and shine of Thatcher-style politics .
26 We understand why Labour did n't win the election .
27 According to Lord Hunt , ‘ decisions on the technical side do n't affect the services on screen ’ .
28 ‘ But as long as our side do n't start it , then it 's all right with me . ’
29 At Friends of the Earth , Jonathan Porritt similarly fought a long and largely successful battle to demonstrate that efficiency and negotiation with the opposition do n't have to mean sell-out .
30 ‘ The fans do n't want all that , ’ he said .
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