Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] she like " in BNC.

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1 Influenced by these dreams , beautiful mornings seemed to mock her waking despair , but once she had shaken herself free from their shades , sun , sky , trees and birds enveloped her like a benediction .
2 Emotion stabbed her like a physical pain .
3 The casual cruelty of his words cut her like a knife .
4 The sharp pang of disappointment seared her like a physical pain .
5 His words hit her like a sudden icy shower , and her self-control snapped at last .
6 His words hit her like small , sharp knives and Jenna raised her hands to claw at him , hurting inside and wanting to hurt back .
7 His words hit her like a battering-ram , making her knees buckle beneath her .
8 The ruthless cynicism in his eyes smote her like a physical blow .
9 Arriving like a final dea ex machina , Doris 's condition makes her like an ironic version of that goddess in Tennyson 's ‘ oenone ’ , ‘ Idalian Aphrodite beautiful , / Fresh as the foam , new-bathed in paphian wells . ’
10 The smell excited her like a pheromone , even now , three years after she had walked out on all that madness .
11 His gaze pierced her like cold steel .
12 Kiku rode sedately down the slope towards Burun and Suragai followed her like a shadow .
13 She felt like crying as dejection hit her like a ton of bricks .
14 He was n't a part of her life any more , he had no right to treat her like this !
15 Jealousy stung her like a wasp .
16 The way her heart seemed to squeeze inside her chest , the way her pulses seemed to skip a beat whenever Roman watched her like that , was deeply disturbing .
17 Her teased black hair surrounded her like a storm cloud .
18 But it was still a shock to see her like that , looking so old and spent . ’
19 Shock hit her like a blow .
20 Even though she had tried to prepare herself for the possibility , the sense of shock hit her like a physical pain .
21 She opened it , the noise hit her like something solid , worse than breaks she thought grimly .
22 Quite apart from her reluctance to give her family any more ammunition to treat her like a witless child , Guy Sterne 's arrogant interference had merely burdened Charles and her father with yet another worry to add to their depressing catalogue of troubles .
23 The gibe assailed her like a blow to the pit of the stomach .
24 She might have taken on a job as a waitress for the summer , but she was damned if she was going to let people treat her like a mindless robot because of it .
25 Sarah 's flatmate Lucinda Craig Harvey recalls : ‘ Diana hero-worshipped her but Sarah treated her like a doormat .
26 The knocking on the door shook her like an earthquake .
27 Sodden by the now driving rain , breathing hard from the climb , Leonora crept round the house to the cluster of outbuildings at the back , where the familiar throb of the generator welcomed her like a friend .
28 But — the thought hit her like a wave — it was already too late .
29 Craven Terrace had lost its C , and she scurried along fearing the steel-black swoop of huge birds plucking her high into the air to drop her like a snail and scoop up the pulp .
30 The scent of disaster attracted her like carrion attracts the vulture .
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