Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] it is " in BNC.

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1 But Ferguson insists it is not too late for United to get back in the hunt .
2 Constituency secretary Rita Taylor insists it is otherwise .
3 So it 's quite simple there 's no as far as my bit goes it is erm erm it 's just really the as I say , the roof design 's going to be used to design the roof for us .
4 THE New York Times announced it is buying the Boston Globe for a record one billion dollars , making the Times the biggest newspaper company in the US north east .
5 In considering curriculum change it is vital to understand that this tripartite hierarchy of status has been reproduced not only in the respective parity of esteem between different categories of subject but also to kinds of knowledge within subjects .
6 The band 's press coverage has generally been excellent and Houghton thinks it is a consequence of the group 's organised , professional outlook .
7 Through a week long campaign on both Max-Am and RFM stations it is possible to reach a large audience in the Lothians .
8 If it is as effective as the researchers say it is I am sure it is going to be a very big hit with cellulite sufferers world-wide .
9 Legal experts say it is worth protecting cheques until the new laws come in by making the alterations .
10 2 So , we can suggest that the British constitution is what the experts say it is .
11 Even if someone does catch the disease , experts say it is extremely treatable and nearly all patients make a full recovery .
12 Opponents say it is primarily a military road .
13 Interestingly , however , the fact that the British constitution is in part what the constitutional authorities say it is means that an insidious kind of constitutional change is already occurring simply as a result of authoritative attacks on the sovereignty of Parliament as a " dogma " and a " myth " that needs to be challenged .
14 The health authorities say it is too soon to comment on the implications of the figures as yet as they still have to be assessed in the light of the type and ages of the people who responded .
15 The health authorities say it is too soon to comment on the implications of the figures as yet as they still have to be assessed in the light of the type and ages of the people who responded .
16 Soviet strikes point to crisis of morale that threatens future of perestroika Broadcasts of parliament get more viewers than Agatha Christie films It is the first November 7 since the revolution that coal miners have been on strike .
17 Though most merchants say it is too early to come up with a firm idea of the trade , the initial reports on quality suggest some low nitrogens and good bushel weights , at least for the Puffin that seems to predominate at the moment .
18 The majority say it is the fault of a Weak Government which could not run a Whelk Stall .
19 With that much money involved it is not surprising that fusion has seen its share of political intrigue .
20 I says , Och , this is a a toy place it is .
21 He added : ‘ If the Jockey Club thinks it is making progress it must believe the moon is green . ’
22 Supporters insist it is a valuable way of boosting British exports .
23 In the context of user education in schools , however , where there is still some substantial funding and many of the projects have yet to be finally and fully reported , the impact will probably be somewhat different ; although because of the slowness of the dissemination process it is too early to say how much and in what way .
24 Now Mill accepts that representative democracy can be as bad as Russo supposes it is , but there are aspects of Mill 's views which make him sound very much like Russo as well .
25 Education officials in Milton Keynes say it is the latest in a series of attacks on schoolgirls .
26 When your own practice starts it is of the utmost importance to give your cases the most meticulous attention of which you are capable , and particularly , before going into court , to familiarise yourself with the various procedural contingencies .
27 But whatever the future holds it is unlikely to match what has happened in the recent past .
28 Weightier things than hamburgers suggest it is now time for a realignment .
29 The Olympic weightlifter Andrew Saxton who was sent home from Barcelona after a positive drugs test may be allowed to compete after all.The British Olympic Association says it is a possibility .
30 Pyramid says it is happy enough with the specifications for MIPS ' next-generation R5000 and R10000 but says it 'll wait until it sees the things before it believes the projections .
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