Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But by then he had already come to doubt whether Parliament shared the commitment he felt , with Harrison , to the kingdom of Christ on earth .
2 ‘ I will want Parliament to see the report the Government has got .
3 The culture-ideology of consumerism produces the values and attitudes that create and sustain the need for the products .
4 The ‘ she-male ’ character of the Bessy is not merely a woman impersonated by a man , but denotes a combination of both male and female , a total unity encompassing the whole in primitive man 's attempt to understand the universe .
5 I kept one hand on my sword hilt and the other on my wallet as I mentally phrased the letter I intended to send to Cardinal Wolsey demanding the graveyard be cleared of such a collection of villains .
6 In 1635 Warner sought the patronage of William Cavendish , first Duke of Newcastle , and his brother Sir Charles Cavendish [ qq.v. ] , to whom he sent tracts on telescope construction and concave and convex glasses , receiving a reward of £20 .
7 There was substantial agreement on changing policies on South Africa , which I much welcome , and there was a warm welcome for our decision to implement the Trinidad terms arrangement , which , if fully implemented by every member , will relieve the poorest countries in the world of $17,000 million of debt .
8 The circular makes clear that a decision to implement the contingency plans would be ‘ subject to collective ministerial authority ’ .
9 This criticism was also echoed by Dr Mudthir El Tinquawi the former director of Khartoum University who accused the Government of making a political decision to implement the concept of ‘ arabisation ’ in the country 's universities , while failing to provide financial support .
10 Prime Minister V. P. Singh 's decision to implement the reservation scheme generated widespread civil disorder throughout northern India , and his determination to go ahead with the plan despite the unrest was a major political gamble .
11 The government had announced in early August its decision to implement the Commission 's recommendations to reserve 27 per cent of public-sector jobs for members of the lower castes , a decision which had resulted in widespread civil disorder and had exacerbated the already tense political situation [ see pp. 37653 ; 37710-11 ] .
12 Accordingly , the level of bargaining influences the distribution of internal union power .
13 Again we are confronted with a system of control in part generating the terms , the concepts , and the space of its own negation .
14 Nenna made the tea and lit the wood stove .
15 One full-timer and three part-timers led the move , with a former guest editor and the ever-present — they had little else to do Hell 's Angels .
16 In most countries north of the Alps wine was the luxury of the rich , even though most of the wine drunk at this time was what we should call ‘ vin ordinaire ’ ; and even communion wine ( which had done so much to foster the growth of the northern vineyards ) was drunk less and less by the laity in these centuries , until communion in one kind became the rule .
17 Projects using the expertise within the group have included the Falkirk and Stirling environmental geological mapping projects , the East Grampian project and the DOE sponsored West Birmingham and Fuller 's Earth projects .
18 However , although the parliament on May 26 called on foreign states to support the demand for the withdrawal of the 14th Army , it hesitated to back Snegur 's demand .
19 Members of MoneySavers gain the privileges of * Priority Booking — up to two weeks in advance of public booking * The Playhouse " What 's On " brochure sent direct to you in advance of public distribution * Free membership of The Stage Door Club and most important of all * Two seats for the price of one on most Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Main House and for many first nights in the Studio Theatre .
20 Indeed , the Angolan constitution contains a provision prohibiting the installation of foreign military bases .
21 For centuries , the Clan Campbell had been the enemies of Clan Macdonald and to ensure that no mercy was shown to the Macdonalds of Glencoe , the Campbells of Glen Lyon were instructed by Dalrymple to enforce the orders .
22 The new catchment boards ' first decade of river clearance was followed by the outbreak of war , during which Parliament empowered the boards to carry out even more extensive work at the request of county war agricultural executive committees .
23 A demand for dolphin meat for human consumption has been only a recent trend , but high transport costs from the remote Iki Island made the export of edible dolphin meat uneconomic .
24 The grateful colonists used the opportunity to expropriate the cattle and other assets of the fugitives .
25 Right , and the other story goes The angels go to Be
26 The answer to that may be that lowering cholesterol influences the level of serotonin , a neurotransmitter which affects mood .
27 A previous Tory Home Secretary wrote in the White Paper : ’ Since the Prior committee 's report was published , the Government 's Public Order Bill has been put before Parliament Given the restructuring of public order offences in the Public Order Bill , the Government 's view is that there is no need for a further public offence of prison mutiny . ’
28 I have already argued in this chapter ( p. 79 ) that the rat 's level of arousal can help determine the vigour of the OR ; and , theoretically more important , in this and in previous chapters I have argued that the decline of this investigatory response represents the operation of a process of habituation .
29 The role of families and of informal neighbourhood care is much more widely acknowledged and various projects to support the carers and stimulate neighbourhood networks are under way .
30 As I said earlier this year , there will not be enough of any one crop to give self-sufficiency , but the contribution this small plot has made to the good budget has ten times repaid the outlay on seeds and materials .
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