Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [am/are] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mutations that affect corepressor binding are of two types .
2 ‘ The last two groups to perform are from Donegal and Leitrim .
3 The programmes undertaken are of two main types , the one country-specific , the other regional in emphasis .
4 Unless otherwise specified , the futures contracts reported are for the USA .
5 This action plan makes it evident that many of the organisational improvements recommended are in fact features synonymous with an ‘ openly run ’ school with an ‘ open ’ form of decision-making .
6 Because the calories consumed are in the form of particularly bulky , filling and satisfying food your appetite will not be sharpened nor your willpower lowered by actual physical hunger .
7 Data creation and data capture are at odds with each other ; the protagonists and the interpreters of history are still at cross purposes .
8 Some of the solutions adopted are of an intricacy that to a British observer seems almost unbelievable .
9 Data presented are from the intention to treat analysis .
10 The oleic acid concentrations used are in the range encountered in patients with steatorrhea .
11 Copyright-cleared background music recordings can be obtained by mail order , and the addresses to contact are to be found in the relevant hobby magazines .
12 In situations of this sort the exchange may need special rules , or even powers , which allow it to act for reasons of market integrity alone , and in order to preserve investor confidence , regardless of whether the parties involved are at fault .
13 When the signals involved are of low-enough frequency for reactive and other frequency-dependent effects to be negligible , the Z-parameters are given by the slopes of appropriate static characteristics at the operating bias levels .
14 ‘ Although the records a general practitioner makes are for his own personal use , we accept this opening .
15 One method which has previously been tried , albeit unsuccessfully , seeks to invoke principles of international law that would allegedly relieve taxpayers from their liability to pay tax on the ground that their assessments are rendered invalid by the unlawful purposes to which the taxes levied are to be applied .
16 It could be argued that since children from about the age of eight years can create their own mental images and since , according to Shirley Hughes ( 1983 , unpaged ) ‘ The best pictures any child sees are in its own head ’ , there is little need for pictures in books for older children .
17 I remind the hon. Gentleman that since the Government took office all the redundancies in the British coal industry have been voluntary and that the terms offered to miners affected are among the most generous in British industry and can reach £37,000 per man affected .
18 The models illustrated are from the Colt Roto range , available through branches of The Loft Shop .
19 Although an attempt was made to be representative in the choice of these films it is clear that if the effects observed are of any practical significance it should be possible to observe them on a more varied stimulus set .
20 The transactions covered are in broad terms financial agreements .
21 Between the farmhouse mob and the purveyors of alcoholic lemonade is a hinterland inhabited by giants such as Dixie of Bristol , who used to travel West Country fairs selling his wares from a thatched Ford Transit van ; and Dunkertons which produces subtle , bright and preservative-free ciders that even the Boy Nigel admits are like the real thing , only better .
22 Vol au vents are like pastry .
23 This observation is necessary not because the lines quoted are of great importance to her poetry , but to give a balanced view of her own conflicts as a domestic servant .
24 However , all the speed thresholds mentioned are for guidance only .
25 This covers sales to the fields of business , industry , and education and training organisations , and many of the programmes sold are in the science documentary area .
26 The other side chains shown are in contact with the phosphate backbone .
27 But size and numbers of fish caught are of little importance at Scourie .
28 Moreover , the examples Couturier gives are of multiple discrete points of view carefully distinguished within the novels in question ( The Sound and the Fury , Pale Fire ) , whereas the mutable point of view employed in Verbivore is a technique developed out of the possibilities inherent in print , but moving toward the mutability of cybernetic text .
29 Victory : The only valuables the Vampire and his minion have are on their persons ( see their profiles ) .
30 It should be stressed that the figures given are for manufactures only and do not include exports of primary products or raw materials .
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