Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [to-vb] from " in BNC.

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1 But the court did not accept the legal conclusion which the defence sought to draw from that fact , since Megaw L.J .
2 Tragically , Jim failed to recover from the stroke he had suffered on the Saturday morning ( 28th May ) and died the following morning .
3 After a meeting in Ljubljana between Markovic , Kucan and Peterle , the JNA agreed to withdraw from Slovenia on July 1 .
4 The JNA agreed to withdraw from Slovenia by Oct. 25 , and to hand over military hardware to the Slovenian authorities .
5 But James 's great houses are rarely inhabited by ancestral families : Lord Mark is an exception , and Lord Warburton offers to move from Lockleigh if Isabel ( however mistakenly ) argues damp from its moat ; in any event , his family 's hold on the house is so frail that his sisters seem no more than faded chintz figures among the faded chintz of their drawing-room .
6 Not prone to understatement , our Michael , as witness the opening paragraph of his colourful piece on the day Tendulkar took the field for the first time : The ghost of Lord Hawke failed to rise from the grave .
7 Erm it 's a difficult balance , change is very rarely popular and quite often it 's only ever talked about but sometimes it happens and even then it 's not popular but a balanced and open mind is required to approach change but perhaps more important , and this is n't always mentioned , suggestions about change tend to come from rather specific areas and there are rather specific interest groups which may start the process of change
8 The SFO only becomes involved in cases where more than £1 million is involved , and most cases tend to come from the DTI .
9 Stephen Tyler-Upfield wants to switch from conversions into building for the first-time buyers he believes are now increasing there .
10 The university wants to expand from 6,800 students to 15,000 by 2030 and it is clear some private fee-paying would be instrumental in that expansion .
11 The final word on Tony Iommi 's custom-built JD guitar has to come from John Diggins himself : ‘ Apart from the fact that Tony 's been threatening to take me out for a drink ever since I 've known him , things have changed a lot , and now we do n't get the time to get together any more .
12 ‘ It 's an awful thing to say , but the revenue to pull us out of this recession has to come from somewhere , ’ she said .
13 ‘ It 's an awful thing to say , but the revenue to pull us out of this recession has to come from somewhere , ’ she said .
14 Those of us in public life are aware that , whenever complaints of poor service come before us , there are always Labout Members who will blame either the absence of public funds , although they never make any reference to where the money has to come from , or the Government .
15 Peggy Mitchell , seated at the rear of the Variety Tent , sighed in sympathy as , one after another , the right card failed to appear from or disappear into the deck .
16 Football : Hard times at Hartlepool : Jonathan Foster on a club struggling to escape from pervasive depression
17 The majority of funds tend to come from the banking sector , although commercial bills are also important .
18 The Scots failed to qualify from their pool for the main competition and suffered a heavy defeat in the plate but , as they left their hotel , there were words of consolation .
19 Their function now is to make a good job of delivering the railway services that the PTEs and sectors want to buy from them .
20 Worst of all , Labour wants to transfer from the House of Commons its most basic power , the power over the nation 's finances .
21 Councillor , we all remember 1983 when Labour voted to withdraw from Europe and then wanted to re-negotiate in 1984 .
22 If one of your colleagues is the spitting image of a famous personality thenb Office Talk wants to hear from you
23 However , in general , the distance the light has to travel from the source to the screen via the two slits will be different .
24 But as she spoke , the fear seemed to lift from her .
25 Once more Margaret Seymour-Strachey 's words seemed to come from the front of her head , and to be as contradictory as words usually are when they do n't represent what one is really thinking about .
26 Communities and nations object to waste from elsewhere .
27 The opposition parties threatened to withdraw from the next meeting of the all-party conference on Oct. 12 unless some of their demands were met [ for first talks , on Sept. 13 , see p. 36893 ] .
28 However , although at this stage the inner reaches of PCF life , the practical realities of daily party cultural work , were slowly revealing themselves to Nizan , his intellectual and ideological development was still very much dominated by sectarian rhetoric and abstract , idealised images of a better future destined to arise from the overthrow of capitalism .
29 A light seemed to die from Alexei 's eyes .
30 The light seemed to fade from the brightly shimmering early evening as she heard him , and her heart felt as if an iron band was tightening mercilessly about it .
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