Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [be] only " in BNC.

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1 The recession has been only half as deep as the slump of 1979-81 , but it has now lasted ten quarters , against eight quarters then .
2 Originally , projections for West German investment were in the range of DM120 billion ; actual investment has been only DM13 million .
3 But while the theory of illuminative evaluation has been carefully expounded , the successful practice has been only barely demonstrated .
4 For example , the introduction of mechanized milking parlours has reduced milking to a process akin to assembly-line production ; on the other hand the life of a shepherd has been only marginally touched by technological change .
5 A similar majority ( 76 per cent ) , however , deemed the LEA guidelines to have been only reasonably adequate .
6 There seems to have been no clear trend in earnings over the period up to the rapid triumph of machine spinning after 1800 ; in the West of England rates per pound of wool spun were only marginally higher in the 1770s than in the century 's first decade .
7 But Zosie had been only seventeen .
8 It did not seem to occur to him that Ramsey had been only eighteen months in an important job for which he was perfectly fitted .
9 Then France had commanded without question , while Kings and Emperors had been only too eager to please .
10 They 'd been delighted therefore to renew acquaintanceship at the beginning of the tour ; and thereafter had spent many an hour together , talking about old comrades they 'd known — those who 'd come through , and those who had n't … and reminiscing about some of the ‘ local talent ’ the GIs had been only too happy to discover , in Oxford itself and in some of the surrounding towns and villages .
11 The scope of the evaluations undertaken was only possible through the use of perfused sleeve manometry of the UOS .
12 GEC 's HC depreciation has been only about 40% of reported HC profit after tax : and with a shorter average plant life , the CPP amount is only 50% higher .
13 A demand for dolphin meat for human consumption has been only a recent trend , but high transport costs from the remote Iki Island made the export of edible dolphin meat uneconomic .
14 For example if the electric charge of the electron had been only slightly different , stars either would have been unable to burn hydrogen and helium , or else they would not have exploded .
15 Apart from a glass of lager at dinner she had been drinking only fruit juices , while Rune 's own consumption of lager had been only moderate , not enough to have much effect on a man of such highly tuned physique , she comforted herself .
16 At that time she had known few people in the district , for they were among the first of the incomers , and Camille had been only a baby with the consequent ailments , accidents and dissatisfactions .
17 Mr Reilly said : ‘ The engine was designed and engineered at our technical development centre in Russelsheim , Germany , and through close co-operation between engineers , designers and manufacturing experts , the total development period has been only four years . ’
18 And the effect on a disintegrating social order of a generation for whom guaranteed employment seems a figment of their parents ' flawed imagination has been only too luridly illustrated by the rises in crime and homelessness .
19 Yet the implied volatility of such peseta puts is only two percentage points greater than that of at-the-money puts .
20 If communication is characterized as a successful attempt to alter the mental state of another human being , it seems that the most successful communication will take place where there is already a considerable coincidence between mental states , and the alteration achieved is only minimal .
21 Ensign Piper had been only a short time in Australia when he volunteered for duty in the convict settlement on Norfolk Island .
22 One of these is that stocks have been only modestly run down compared with previous recessions ; another is the boost to government spending from the Gulf war .
23 The material deprivation many women and their families experienced was only one aspect of their poverty .
24 The pond in which the tadpole develops is only temporary , so it must complete its metamorphosis into a toad as quickly as possible .
25 If your income is slightly above these levels you should still apply because the figures shown are only a guide and can not reflect every personal circumstance .
26 For some who have been caring for a dependent relative for many years the problems involved are only too familiar .
27 To add insult to injury , the young thug filed a civil claim against Mr Respectable for wounding him and , although he won his action , the damages awarded were only nominal , reflecting the spirit and not the letter of the law .
28 The upheavals in Africa had been only a rehearsal .
29 Her head was bent and her shoulders drooped as if her fears had been only partially allayed .
30 The hulking nephew of Kalv Arnason had been only a youth when King Olaf had killed his uncle Ølve at the spring feast at Sparbu and had given to Kalv his uncle 's rich widow in gratitude .
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