Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 The most common reasons given are that although the complaint is within scope , there is no realistic remedy , or there is no real evidence of the complaint being well-founded .
2 What I find a bit puzzling is that , as far as I can see , automatic inspection of passports will eliminate the keen-eyed , guilt-inducing gaze from the man behind the desk who presumably , is looking for doctored documents , suspicious photographs and forged visas and stamps .
3 One excuse given was that the authorities did not want Blake to associate with another spy which would have happened if he had been transferred to Birmingham prison .
4 His hope has been that better use of woodlands will give the trees greater value , and so farmers and landowners will have an economic reason for managing their woods .
5 The effect of this change in responsibility has been that in many schools the provision of meals and the supervision of children during the mid-day break has drifted out to the margins of importance and there has been , in general , a gradual decline in the numbers of children receiving cooked meals on school premises .
6 The main difficulty has been that teachers allocated to rural schools , especially local district council schools , found themselves virtually without back-up .
7 The typical Soviet response has been that ‘ the Soviet Union did not and does not intend to turn Afghanistan into a base against other countries ’ .
8 One of the criticisms levelled at the board has been that it fails to consult properly or listen to objections to proposals .
9 My experience has been that entertainers who come for just the show have maximum impact and cause great excitement , especially if they arrive dressed up .
10 My experience has been that there are a great many people in industrial and other commercial enterprises who want to have insight , and indeed already possess it , into their roles in industry and to contrast these with their roles as citizens .
11 Working within this international world it is , of course , a great help if one speaks several languages , but my own experience has been that it is not the ability to speak another language , rare enough this essential tool of international business is amongst British people , but the experience of having lived and worked with people in another country which is the decisive factor .
12 Our experience has been that where we are able to admit a person who is dementing we wonder after a couple of days — How did the relatives manage ? b The past 3 years have shown us the myth that exists in many professionals ' minds about relatives pushing an old person into care .
13 Th the reality is that elsewhere in West Sussex erm the business allocations are erm reasonably generous or indeed slightly over generous and er therefore er overall the concern i is very much reduced erm but it might also be just worth mentioning that erm although er there is clearly an opportunity for this committee , this planning authority , the strategic planning authority to , to question figures of this nature and to challenge local plans if they are significantly adrift erm that has to be done in the context of the the local plan enquiry by er in the form of an objection almost and past experience has been that the inspectors and the Secretary of State have allowed a certain amount of leeway depending on the erm proportional er deviation from erm th the figures that were in the structure plan and depending on what is happening elsewhere and on the state of the economy and whilst it would be something which erm it was possible to prepare a case for erm i it is o on , on the balance of erm er the various things that are , that are taking place in West Sussex that the recommendation i is , is put to you that and it seems to be the reasonable course of action , particularly bearing in mind the downturn in , in er erm the er business activity and the er amount of developments taking place .
14 I think that there 's a lot for your Lordship to read but I think it might be beneficial in the long run , it was certainly , our experience has been that it certainly would take time in the long run but to deal with it this way .
15 Er in the context of bulk transfers would you like to comment on the Good Committees conclusions on the bulk transfers of members between schemes and how they operate , and do you think that er there is widespread abuse or do you think er on balance your experience has been that where bulk transfers have taken place , they have taken place responsibly , but I would in that context ask you to comment whether there has been an unreasonable time delay where you have experienced bank bulk transfers between the transfer actually taking place in terms of employees being transferred from an undertaking to another undertaking and the actual transfer of their pension funds .
16 The views of the Library Association on censorship are , on paper , sound , but what the News International ban demonstrated was that a simple reliance on policy statements and codes of professional conduct was not enough and never will be enough to confront library censorship .
17 What Honey and Munnford found is that people learn in basically four ways , the first of which is is the activist .
18 The overwhelming verdict has been that what ‘ passes for knowledge ’ in a particular field is in fact ‘ partial and patriarchal ’ .
19 The rule devised was that if a man 's goods could be valued at £1 , but less than £2 , or alternatively if he owned nothing but received wages of £1 a year , he should pay 4d .
20 But what he strenuously de nies inventing is that he DID serve Mr Lamont in Praed Street , Paddington , west London , on Monday , November 16 .
21 What these anomalies mean is that within one and the same constituency the price paid in first-preference votes for the election of a TD varies greatly .
22 The additional fear has been that properties sold in attractive rural settings may eventually become ‘ second homes ’ for rich urban dwellers .
23 The major rule applying is that generally most predators will attack only fish smaller than themselves , although some large mouthed predators such as lionfish and large groupers are capable of swallowing prey of almost their own dimensions .
24 The result has been that the minority Free Democrats ( FDP ) , with only 79 seats in the Bundestag , can maintain their grip on the balance of power for decades .
25 The result has been that sales of diesel cars in Britain last year reached a record 139,810 , or 8.8 per cent of a smaller total market , compared with 128,167 ( 6.38 per cent ) in 1990 .
26 The result has been that a century which has seen so much development in terms of resources and method in historical research , has also seen a recurrent historical scepticism in theology .
27 The result has been that the majority of boards produced today fall under the blanket description of being funboards , although there are in fact a number of different designs .
28 The result has been that in many GIS spatial queries initiated by the user must be formulated in terms of a software-specific command language .
29 Some say that the church has significantly failed to provide a safe ‘ family ’ , and the result has been that thousands of needy people have drifted through and away to the false substitutes of the world .
30 The result has been that in some cases the insurance premiums which manufacturers have to pay to protect themselves are so high as to make it no longer profitable for them to remain in business .
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