Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Ideally the pressure groups formed are not to be organized functionally around ‘ clienthood ’ or ‘ patienthood ’ but around identification of interests which consumers in general feel to be appropriate .
2 The group of works in which large , often black , forms predominate are perhaps less successful .
3 When a prison officer requests a gun the reasons given are closely scrutinised , ’ he said .
4 In this case and if the time constant RC also happens to equal the pulse duration τ Thus As anticipated , this integral is difficult to evaluate but it does reduce to the solution expected from chapter 4 of when when when Help with difficult inverse Fourier transforms is often available from special tables .
5 Oyston knew NoS was desperate for money , but Everett thought his decision to invest was quite impulsive .
6 Fleshy fruits of the type birds eat are often thought of as primitive in many features , that is to say that they share more characters with ancestral flowering plant fruits than do fruits with wind-dispersed seeds .
7 ‘ Their decision to retire is selflessly motivated by the recognition that we are now entering a new and election-oriented phase in the political process , ’ Mr de Klerk said .
8 The decision to retire is never an easy one for architects .
9 The debtor 's affidavit evidence is in sharp conflict : he was given no advice on whether he might be eligible for legal aid , Mr. O'Connell was aware of his dire financial circumstances , the costs implications of the course recommended were not discussed , and he did not receive the letter .
10 To Henry , the idea of being cheered on as you croaked , by Elinor , Mr and Mrs Is-the-Mitsubishi-Scratched-Yet , his mother , her mother , Maisie and anyone else with a few hours to spare was almost completely repulsive .
11 Colm feels that one of the most common mistakes beginners make is not going in close enough on the subject matter .
12 The questions which give rise to debate are rarely those which later have to be decided by the courts .
13 However , the strong suspicion seems justified that the speech , and the one before it in September , mainly warmed the hearts of the depressed Party faithful , and that the central SD digests were mainly recording reactions from the dwindling number of Party diehards .
14 Most employers also take the precaution of stating that the illustrations given are not exhaustive .
15 Many of the definitions given are very general , for example that of Scriven : ‘ evaluation attempts to answer certain types of questions about certain entities ’ .
16 The single most difficult skill for the calligrapher to acquire is consistently good letterform in a rhythmic , written hand .
17 The income received is either spent on consumer goods , or withdrawn in the form of savings and taxes ( that is , Y = C + S + T ) .
18 The counsel given was probably the best in the circumstances , which was that I should go abroad for a break .
19 While the number of programmes undertaken is not in itself an indicator of quality or effectiveness , it may be assumed that undertaking relatively little , or virtually no planned systematic training , is certain to be ineffective .
20 The definitional overlap technique has been successfully applied to the problem of sense disambiguation [ Lesk , 1987 ] .
21 This technique has been successfully applied to lung washings from patients with sarcoidosis , and M tuberculosis DNA was detected in half of the samples .
22 This technique has been successfully used in our laboratory for the identification of B virus DNA in previous cases of fatal B virus infection .
23 This technique has been widely adopted by researchers in recent years .
24 The technique has been most widely applied in the analysis of cytokine responses .
25 The accuracy of this technique has been steadily improving and measurements can now be made over thousands of kilometres to an accuracy of a few millimetres .
26 This technique has been around as a possibility for these machines for years , dating right back to the very early 1970s and the S42 , or ‘ peg-board ’ machines .
27 The technique has been extensively used to study vibrations associated with surfaces and thin film samples , usually in an electron microscope .
28 This survival technique has been very easily exploited by commercial breeders of marine invertebrates , especially those raising animals destined for the table as food .
29 It is therefore remarkable that the amount of co-operation and collaborative work between local authorities and higher education institutions has been so limited and only shows recent signs of expansion .
30 The prevalence of depression among the elderly in institutions has been less well researched .
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