Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] give " in BNC.

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1 Next , Tod goes and gives him eight hundred bucks .
2 ‘ Oh , indeed , ’ riposted Sally-Anne , eyes flashing and giving off all the danger signs which her family would have recognised .
3 This in effect recognized and gave official sanction to the thriving black market .
4 But he could be ready for anything ; for the churches which had abandoned him ; for the churches like the Philippian one which had continued to care ; for hunger ; for plenty ; for the times when he had no obvious human support , and for the times when his fellow believers came and gave him encouragement .
5 Hardy Amies and other designers lend or give me evening wear .
6 The old pals reunion at White Hart Lane … that 's Spurs v Swindon finished as it started all square … former Town favourite David Kerslake set up the Spurs goal for Jason Dozzell … and then another old County Ground hero Colin Calderwood went and gave away a penalty … it looked like a handball at first but Calderwood was guilty of pushing …
7 Only that there was at least a minor cultural triumph on the terraces where Francois Aliane , celebrated French restaurateur from Edinburgh , rugby enthusiast and Scotophile , was waxing the way fans do and giving his views to a French spectator .
8 Kick your curls back into action with ShockWaves Curl Shaper from Wella — a brand new styling spray that gives your curls body and bounce .
9 If it does exist the gene may help resolve some of the questions about how antibiotics work and give clues for new antibiotics .
10 Christian preachers attempted , without much success , to persuade their congregations to fast while inebriated pagans feasted and to give alms to the very poor who could give no present in return . )
11 But sadly some Ewes die while giving birth , other are the victims of sheep worrying .
12 Against that background , and with those friends , I viewed with satisfaction the election results that gave Harold Wilson his majority of five , or fourteen if you included the Liberals , and upon which he resolutely set out to govern .
13 Colin Dexter explains how his appearances started and gives a few tips to potential extras .
14 But if loving parents freely admit that they would have chosen to let the child die if given the choice , it is clear that the vast majority of parents would take this view if given an option by the doctor concerned .
15 ‘ Yes , ’ Steve urged and Ruth blinked and gave him a small smile .
16 That we can not cope with another child , that we are not ready for parenthood , that we can not face raising a child without a partner , that we can not afford a child , that our method of birth control failed , that we are the victims of rape , that we can not bear the anguish of carrying a child to term and giving it up for adoption , that we can not accept the responsibility of caring for a handicapped child — these are the reasons why we seek abortion in the vast majority of cases .
17 It is for the hon. Member who is on his feet to decide whether to give way .
18 Table 1 shows the 20 controlled trials identified and gives details of the population and methods of these trials .
19 What can/should the ESL specialist do when giving language support within the subject class ?
20 COR , WHAT A THIGHFUL : Fergie stretches out on her sun lounger and gives the world a look at what just what kind of shape she 's in
21 William of Jumièges says that Cnut married her after having her brought from the city before the siege ended and giving her weight in gold and silver before the whole army , but his chronology here is suspect , as he places the battle of Auxendunum ( presumably Assandun , 18 October ) before Æthelred 's death on 23 April , and the more contemporary Chronicle date of mid-1017 for the marriage is preferable .
22 But Agatha Christie frequently used two murders , and in her An Autobiography ( another book you ought to read , if only to see what direct , simple writing can do ) she recommends a second killing as giving a useful fillip when there is a danger of a story flagging .
23 Kelly turned and gave McCray a wan smile .
24 It lies below and beyond the distinctions between subject and object which are inbuilt in ordinary experience at the level of knowledge and action ; so it opens up a direct awareness of the God on whom our existence hangs as given in and with our deepest awareness of ourselves .
25 In the doorway Battler turned and gave me a final beam for good measure , then they were gone .
26 Neither said a word to the assembled company , but at the door Eugénie turned and gave them her famous curtsy .
27 The first jog round the block got his heart racing and gave him an appetite .
28 After the ruling Wolf was given 14 days to appeal but gave himself up to German police at the Austrian border on Sept. 24 .
29 He managed to push it away one-handed , only for Mark Wallis to pounce and give the visitors the lead on 20 minutes .
30 Lignite Action Group ( LAG ) set itself a three-fold objective : to gather ‘ information concerning the future in relation to what major changes would take place ’ ; to participate ‘ in any discussions and decisions which are to be made concerning our lives ’ and ‘ to be consulted and have our fears and wishes for the future of the community respected and given a fair hearing ’ .
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