Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Looking at it , Nutty realized you could use the Smiths ' bath without the Smiths knowing .
2 William realised he would have to handle the unloading alone if the van did not arrive in the next few minutes .
3 This is particularly true of the company puff wanted because the chairman thinks he should run an advertisement which says no more than " we are jolly good fellows " .
4 The tenant should consider deleting both clauses 11.1 and 11.2 though for the reasons given they could perhaps be tolerated if necessary .
5 My Lords , for the reasons given I would however dismiss this appeal .
6 Mickie then and there decided that if the opportunity arose he would team up with Raoul on future helicopter design .
7 On the other hand if you 've important business or vital meetings to attend you will be in for a tough time .
8 And experts fear they may never be seen by the public .
9 And experts fear they may never be seen by the public .
10 Results will be given as quickly as possible , but some experts fear they could take up to a month if demand is high .
11 AN INVASION of rats has hit Frodsham and pest control experts fear it could be a permanent problem .
12 AN INVASION of rats has hit Frodsham and pest control experts fear it could be a permanent problem .
13 Hunting has now been banned , but experts fear it will take many years for their populations to recover .
14 First , those who come to the Park to enjoy it can not do so , because of all the traffic .
15 Before leaving Butterworth v. Kingsway Motors it should be noted that if the same facts ( i.e. involving a motor vehicle ) were to occur again today , the result would be different because of the Hire Purchase Act 1964 , Part III ( see paragraph 5–40 above ) .
16 Peering through the cobwebs at the stable clock , Umberto realized he should have been up an hour ago .
17 Discretion erring , our driver announced we would swap buses .
18 Well , the thing is , Pop Will Eat Itself used to come down to my place when I first had it and absolutely f— the place up .
19 At the end of the Gulf War , British Army authorities announced they would have to destroy all dogs which had been picked up and kept by British units in the war zone , but Dave and his colleagues decided they were n't going to let this cruel fate befall Des .
20 Further at this point , the writer thinks it may be expedient to include a paragraph on the subject of human ability to acquire and retain a faith , or religion .
21 THE small clubs fear they will ultimately be cut off and thrown on the scrap heap if the FA ploughs its own furrow .
22 They were only upstaged by Tim Stockdale and Philip Heffer , who dressed as Show-Jumping ‘ Groupies ’ , with poor Franke Sloothaak proving he can run fast when he needs to .
23 You might be in here , harmless , visiting somebody , and before you could say Werewolves Unite they 'd have you on the operating table , jacking both legs off .
24 But bosses Martin and Vivien Shrager-Powell reckon Fergie 's films and other new projects mean it 'll be back in the black before long .
25 When they were swanning around looking pretty , our families were working their fingers to the bone for virtually nothing and now Miss High-and-Mighty thinks we should admire them .
26 Hawking thinks it can go either way but we will never know .
27 I parked the jeep under a tree and then , looking at my watch , I decided that as I had a couple of hours to spare I would take a walk across to the other bridge where I had noticed a café on our first day into Normandy .
28 When you find you have only a few hours to spare you can choose the best swim for that particular period .
29 ‘ If you 've got a few minutes to spare I would like to see these fields that have caused so much bother . ’
30 What assurances can the Minister give that in attempting to develop a common requirement for a new air defence frigate we shall not end up with another fiasco of expensive and fruitless bickering between countries with different design requirements ?
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