Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] end " in BNC.

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1 I have n't a thing in till her money goes in end of month she only gets paid end of month
2 The hair stands on end and waits to be split
3 Indoors , though , ordinary window glass generally filters out some of the UV content of sunlight , and the author has never experienced any difficulties of daylight interfering with end results .
4 My hairs stand on end .
5 Five boards were sawn off either side and once from end to end , and when these ten , destined for side panelling , were cut , the log was turned , and thirty boards of narrower width sawn for end panels , thus utilising all the wood possible . ’
6 A priority swathe ( 350 sq km ) will be delivered in December 1993 and the full 3D data set at end of March 1994 .
7 ‘ No , there 's just something about this place that 's making my hairs stand on end .
8 He was so close to her , his arms brushing lightly against hers , making her hairs stand on end .
9 Alyssia felt her hairs stand on end as she heard that broken French accent .
10 1816. 1st Edn 3 vols , hf title for vol 1 bnd at end , no hf titles to vol 2 & 3 , publrs advt at end of vol 3 .
11 A face emerged , staring at him , greenish and hollow-eyed , and the hair at the back of his neck stood on end … .
12 ( Horror : her mind stood on end , backing from the thought .
13 The other half came from end user applications .
14 He brushed a hand through his hair , leaving a tuft standing on end .
15 She would walk to the kitchen ; the morning light had slid away , and the paler light shone on the old hutch , making the clean china pieces , old pitchers and cups , charming unmatched plates standing on end on the shelves , gleam and reflect .
16 The notion that British spectators would be bored by a regular diet of ‘ continental ’ football ( whatever that means : ‘ patient ’ , I suppose ) once again appeared fatuous as play flowed from end to end without too much of the cynical tackling that used to ruin the Spanish game .
17 He was absolutely colossal — about 5 foot 10 inches tall and 6 foot wide , and carrying a riding crop covered from end to end with thick black tape .
18 7.5% inflation predicted by end of year
19 No amplifiers in those days , but the old cinema rang from end to end with everyone in festive mood .
20 If this population is representative of the UK nationally , a substantial number of patients dying from end stage liver disease is being denied the option of liver transplantation because they are not referred for assessment .
21 ( 35 ) He felt his hair stand on end .
22 The hairs on her arms stood on end as that electrifying pulse of need sparked through her .
23 When Sherman found this issue on the shelf , he tapped the pictures of Koko with his hair standing on end ( pilo-erection ) and swaying back and forth bipedally .
24 Obviously : because she banged loudly and impatiently on the door until Dad opened it , his hair standing on end , looking surprised to see us .
25 Pete shot out with his hair standing on end like the bristles of a brush .
26 And when you sat , trembling forgetfully , on one of the benches in the frosted gardens , with the grass like white hair standing on end , you felt you could hear the ghosts of the children 's cries and shouts — for here they must surely have played in their packs .
27 Dorcas felt his hair standing on end .
28 I was like a Desperate Dan cartoon where you see him with his hair standing on end .
29 The furious pace continued in the second half with play sweeping from end to end without either keeper being tested .
30 With play flowing from end to end , Boldon grabbed an equaliser through Peter Quinn , with Lee Philipson going on to slot in their second late in the second half .
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