Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] over " in BNC.

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1 The rival patentees quarrelled for over a decade , taking the fight to Parliament in 1624 .
2 It can reduce the amount of water needed to flush a lavatory by 40 per cent — and flushing accounts for over one third of the water consumed in Britain 's homes .
3 The second , known as hypochondriacs , tended to swallow a large number of useless potions purchased from over the chemist 's counter .
4 The sound came from over the garden wall and I knew that no-one in that part of Gigant Street kept chicken .
5 And he 'd got lots of famous mates that want to play on his records , and he picks up a Grammy and releases records on scrupulous labels , instead of the 30 or more indie horsefixers he 's had the misfortune to deal with over the years .
6 As a result , the cost of disposing of hazardous waste fell from over US$77,000 to just under US$15,000 .
7 There was widespread disappointment in the UK in particular at the small size of the cut in German interest rates , and on Sept. 15 sterling fell to about DM2.78 — just above its permitted floor — while the lira weakened to over DM800 ( around its new central rate ) .
8 But whether reprocessing took place or not there would still be thousands of cubic metres of other wastes to deal with over the lifetime of the power station .
9 Now you get the health problems caused by over tight corseting , which led to constriction of lungs , of ribs , in some cases , punctured lungs , a lot of cases of T B in the eighteen forties were in fact where the corset had compressed the ribs so tightly , that they 'd actually punctured the lung .
10 There was a strange rasping noise coming from over the next rise .
11 Yeah we get the people going from over to the .
12 Since nursing accounts for over one-third of NHS expenditure , the efficient use of this expensive resource is a prime concern of managers .
13 From about day 80 ( 5 March ) ClO increased to over 0.7p.p.b.v. in Fig. 3 c , corresponding to over 1p.p.b.v. at local noon .
14 You 'd think there were n't enough caddies to choose from over here . ’
15 It can be seen from Table 2 in Chapter 17 that consumption spending accounted for over two-thirds of total expenditure in the United Kingdom in 1987 and consequently is a very important component of aggregate demand .
16 USAN I ZUN BI Living for love ; a tropical hurricane arriving from over the sea , generally at dawn
17 Timothy West saw some of those dark Williams depressions descend from over the horizon .
18 Er and er the line came from over here , and on that embankment there was a bridge here , er but they farmer has er removed that embankment , but has still left this part .
19 So we 've got tan forty degrees equals opp over adjacent which is equal to well we do n't know opp so we 'll just leave it as opp over a hundred and twenty .
20 Counties ranged in population from about 2 million ( Lancashire ) to less that 30,000 ( Rutland ) ; county boroughs ranged from over 1 million ( Birmingham ) to 33,000 ( Canterbury ) — less than the minimum population stipulated in 1888 .
21 Adults grow to over a metre long and generate electricity of up to 300 volts , while even baby electric catfish only 2 centimetres long can produce 10 volts .
22 The population dynamics and genetics of these two species in the permanent pasture at Henfaes seemed to over the opportunity to study natural selection in action — Hutchinson 's ‘ ecological theater and evolutionary play ’ .
23 Health care will then be denied its proper role and that is clearly seen in the discharge of elderly people into the community and a point he knows well because he 's heard it from me before , without the necessary disabled facilities being in place for those elderly people and it is his department that decided to put the disabled facilities grant in the basic credit allowance to compete against over local authority priorities in that section .
24 In commercial terms the EC accounted for over one-fifth of world trade and was comparable in importance to the USA and Japan .
25 Pneumonia accounts for over one million hospital admissions annually in the USA and is the eighth leading cause of death .
26 In Scotland such discipline continued for over a century after it had been abandoned in England , and spanned a period of exceptionally rapid economic development and social change .
27 Discourse analysts have for over a decade been probing the properties of what has come to be called the conversational ‘ turn ’ .
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