Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Yildirim Akbulut succeeded Özal as Prime Minister [ see p. 37051 ] .
2 Everyone had seen her arrive during morning assembly , her hair hanging loose as she leaned on a heavy walking-stick for support .
3 ( Perhaps this was where the first shock to people in the field arose 0 as one said , ‘ we were expecting an all-singing Branson man and what we got was , although he could be very charming , a quiet , distinctly unvibrant and very determined person ’ . )
4 The need for relevant news coverage became evident as western media continued to dominate the Asian scene .
5 Liverpool merchants became rich as their ships sailed on the Trade Triangle , with trinkets , slaves and then cotton ( see page 37 ) .
6 With extra bedroom accessories becoming accepted as standard throughout the hotel industry , it 's the personal touch and a thoughtful approach towards guests that will be of the highest value .
7 He returned to the Mercedes then , his heart becoming heavier as he walked .
8 There is a clear distinction between what might be termed ‘ lower order ’ needs and ‘ higher order ’ needs and the strength of the model is based upon one level becoming dominant as the subordinate need is satisfied .
9 He 's declared March 29–April 4 as National No-Menacing Week , and wants all of his Brownie mates to join in .
10 Her red hair stands erect as bristles on a scrubbing brush .
11 The RSPCA described French as callous and inept and it was time he got his comeuppance .
12 One or two odd shapes were found , but most authorities dismissed these as patterns produced by the physical processes of rock formation that had nothing whatever to do with living organisms .
13 Death toll nears 200 as Bombay rocked by series of bomb blasts
14 In spite of increased overseas representation , correspondent banking relationships remain important as domestic branch networks of correspondents facilitate efficient global money transmission without which trade would be seriously inhibited .
15 Because this would involve changing policy and laws , the Taiwanese side regarded this as ‘ political ’ , and resisted .
16 From these categories the authors designated 42 as acts of communication by the mother and 32 that could be interpreted as communication by the infant ( burps and smiles for example ) .
17 Crilly is also nodding , but at the tinny thud of Isabelle 's needle striking the floor , his eyes grow big as though he has lost something .
18 Our voices grow fainter as the mist tucks itself in above us .
19 Therefore , the choice of construction projects for the research holds constant as many elements of the business environment as is feasibly possible , allowing a focus on the different managerial practices in the two countries , and the ways in which SGE is trying to combine them .
20 The protector of all such " weak persons " was the king and so such disputes invited royal as well as ecclesiastical intervention .
21 Society founder the Rev Ian Gregory encountered Norman as he toured the region for eight days in a study commissioned by the Northumbria Tourist Board .
22 This remarkable piece has historic as well as artistic interest , for the intricately worked base is the only contemporaneous illustration of the town 's fortifications as they were after their re-building in 1675–88 .
23 Turning to the internal Soviet situation Gorbachev described 1989 as " the most difficult year of perestroika [ restructuring ] " since its launch in 1985 , as the country had " encountered a number of most acute problems " , but he declared that the goal of " a humane , democratic socialism , a society of freedom and social justice " was within sight .
24 The wind howled louder as she climbed .
25 Forster 's eyes flickered open as Lawton began to pack a dressing into the gaping abdominal wound .
26 From the street the terrace looks much as it did when Lorimer and Miller had finished their works nearly 200 years ago .
27 Her hand found Lucy 's breast , her thumb found Lucy 's nipple , Lucy drew closer as she stroked her belly , and her little finger exploded on the springy turf of Lucy 's hair .
28 Defence Minister Col. Rene Emilio Ponce described this as representing a " major escalation " in the war .
29 She was terribly conscious of the lewd position she 'd been forced to adopt , and was very aware of her thighs spread wide as she lay defenceless on her back , doubled up like a jack-knife .
30 Anyway , that evening her hair was swept up over her ears at the sides and fastened back with two tortoise-shell clips , her eyes seemed dark as dark , and I just could n't get over her .
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