Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] would " in BNC.

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1 er Mr Williamson has indicated would be the
2 Over time action plans to remediate would also demonstrate commitment to minimise risk .
3 He accepted there was no question that the PACE interviews Irving had witnessed would have been carried out with exactitude , but was certain that the negotiation of justice could easily continue outside of the world of the written custody record or file of evidence .
4 It preaches the virtues of helping all hardship cases , but the old rating system to which the Opposition wish to return would impose considerable costs on students , as it did before .
5 Any parent with youngsters learning to drive would be reassured by such a plate and experienced drivers seeing the P-plate can treat the car with respect .
6 The strategy effectively neutralised what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote-winner with an electorate wary about an upsurge in union power under Labour if it could be made an issue .
7 Ten weeks of fighting had achieved what Haig had calculated would take two days .
8 yeah , because as I say something like what Jane 's got would fit in that fireplace , just right
9 The devastating IRA bombings — four in four days — topped an agenda which both governments had hoped would concentrate on resuming inter-party talks , now the council elections are over .
10 The numbers have not , however , fallen significantly , and in 1977 there were still 44,100 adults aged sixteen and over in mental handicap hospitals in England , and recent decreases in these numbers have not been anywhere near as rapid as successive governments have proposed would be the case .
11 This would produce the ‘ fundamental realignment on the Left ’ which Paddy Ashdown has said would be the inevitable result of a fourth Labour defeat .
12 Whether the son or daughter , which Cruise has said would be better than winning an Oscar , will be with the cou ple before Christmas is unclear .
13 Before the vote , Lord Owen said bravely that rejection by the Bosnian Serb parliament of the plan that he and Cyrus Vance had drafted would be only ‘ a temporary setback ’ and that planning for the deployment of up to 75,000 peacekeepers would go ahead .
14 However , the UK failed in its attempt to head off the EC Commission , even though it made a last-minute offer to bring forward compliance of five water supplies contaminated with nitrate , from 1995 to 1991–4 , ‘ a shift , ’ according to ENDS , ‘ which , until then , the UK had insisted would be impractical . ’
15 At first glance the easiest solution to the difficulty which the eager candidates for the collectorship had created would appear to have been to take the advice which was being so strongly urged , and install Craigbarnet to share the office with Kirkton , for Craigbarnet would certainly have been willing to accept even a small fraction of the emoluments in his desperate need .
16 By this time it was past 3.30 , the light was fading fast , and the blizzard that the ignored weatherman had warned would sweep the Highlands was whipping into action .
17 He would of course require a pastoral call even if he did not — and his car did not bode well — look like the kind of man Peter might hope for , as a breath of fresh air on the PCC ; as a possible churchwarden in place of old Sir Francis Mayhew who said he 'd done fifteen years which was more than enough ; or even as a parishioner willing to raise the £25,000 that the diocesan architect had said would have to be spent on Loxford church roof within the next three years .
18 People wishing to emigrate would no longer need to prove that they had close relatives in the destination country .
19 Swallowing his pride , Lexandro inveigled , connived , and bribed his way as a junior shrimp into the very Ducas clan gang which his father had heard would soon be pressed into service — an action that grieved his parents .
20 She had n't given much thought to what the house that her father had left would be like , but she had not gained the impression that it was anything like this .
21 The Variety Theatre 's position off the main West End beat , the obscurity of the play , and the ( pace George Birkitt ) lack of star names — all the elements which pessimists had predicted would work against the show — were now beginning to take their toll .
22 And he added the problem was heightened because young men in the DMSU units such as that in which Moore had served would feel ‘ stigmatised ’ in seeking help because it ‘ would show weakness ’ .
23 Not content with just the interminable Benson and Hedges World Series Cup , the players also had to fit in the Benson and Hedges Challenge between the fourth and fifth Tests , a jamboree dreamed up to latch on to the sporting frenzy which the TV and marketing people had decreed would seize the nation when the America 's Cup yacht races were staged off Fremantle .
24 And perhaps most people qualified to judge would concede that there comes a time early in any study of Joyce where the student has to beat the Dublin streets on foot .
25 Calum MacDonald , the Western Isles MP , has tabled an amendment to the bill which the Government has conceded would wreck the treaty .
26 Delegates approved new party statutes and a political programme to contest parliamentary and presidential elections which the government had confirmed would take place in July and August respectively .
27 The code was the first instalment of new ethics regulations which Clinton had promised would distinguish his administration from those of his predecessors .
28 However , by the time of the debate in the Supreme Soviet on May 13 these fears appeared to have faded : in the light of the introduction by most Western governments of tighter immigration procedures for Soviet citizens , Soviet officials estimated that the number seeking to emigrate would be around 500,000 annually , little more than the 454,000 who had been permitted to leave in 1990 .
29 As a result they would accord the lower orders some respect and the arrogance which high status tends to encourage would be tempered with a degree of humility .
30 The stuff Rufus wanted to know would be beyond the average reader 's comprehension .
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