Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] never have " in BNC.

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1 Today , cynics would say that a building contract never has the chance of being put away as disputes start from the moment it comes into operation .
2 Professor Zeitung has delved into Jeffrey Archer 's childhood to explain why he writes the way he does , and comes up with an extraordinary finding — Jeffrey Archer never had a childhood !
3 D. A. Never had any gifts .
4 Both international links have so far come to nothing — the SFE link having been effectively abandoned for the time being , and the CBoT accord never having been implemented .
5 Mr Healey — the best leader Labour never had , and a man of such substance as the party no longer possesses — was regarding , from under shaggy eyebrows , the large and rollicking volume of his autobiography , just published , which lay on the table between us in his hotel suite .
6 Mr. Gordon never had a look in after Brown Owl met that pilot .
7 I was thinking , I was thinking the other day Jean never has a fucking
8 Organisation members never have the right to use physical sanctions ( except in the case of the courts , prisons and other institutions of public safety ) .
9 But Lloyd George never had any such intention .
10 Jakki Brambles never had any ambitions to be a disc jockey .
11 ‘ I suppose the great Dane Jacobsen never has to search for willing company .
12 We bet the Marquis De Sade never had to put up with bollocks like that .
13 Trade unions never had total authority .
14 He also found that pati eighty percent of patients who had a negative three month cystoscopy never had another recurrence in the remainder of their follow up .
15 Unfortunately that was insufficient to keep Ballingall employed , for the General was not on good terms with Ballingall , and clearly did not feel compelled to serve Lord Melville , and it was the latter whom Ballingall chose to blame for his misfortunes , complaining of the injustice of this treatment when ‘ Lord Melville never had a more staunch friend , nor strinuous supporter in the district of these Boroughs ’ .
16 GLAMOROUS grannie Barbara Flanagan never has to shop around when she fancies a new outfit she simply reaches into her stocks of material and rustles something up .
17 Glamorous grandmother Barbara Flanagan never has to shop around when she fancies a new outfit — she simply reaches in her stocks of material and rustles something up .
18 BATTLING for attention against the climax of the football season and the dissuader of customarily bitter weather , the start of a new county season never has enjoyed a high profile .
19 With a still greater capacity for self-deception , he assured the House that Austen Chamberlain never had an unkind thought about any man .
20 The Blushing Groom colt never had a moment 's worry on the soft ground , sitting in fifth position until straightening for home and then powering away from his rivals inside the two-furlong marker .
21 Howard Samuel never had the courage to tell him that he had no recollection of their night-time conversation because of his post-prandial condition , so Randolph always regarded the fact that the licence had been obtained for the Labour Party as a gross breach of trust .
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