Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] just [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Marguerite Trompeau , who owns La Fontaine just outside Vichy , supplied the welcoming lunch of tripe , Charolais beef grilled over an open fire , cheese and a dessert .
2 twelve months ' M O T just to what to pay what the lad had offered it
3 The fast-expanding group made £12.2 million before tax and also committed £59 million of capital spending , including £31 million on its new printing operations just outside Madrid , which should start printing Hola and Hello magazines next month .
4 Von Gallwitz was a talented artillerist , having been the Inspector General of the Field Artillery just before the war , and more recently had added to his lustre in leading the Eleventh Army to victory in Serbia .
5 As 1745 , a year of defeat and near disaster , came to an end the government in London was far more concerned about the enemy presence just across the Channel than the more distant one beyond the Scottish border .
6 We started from the car park just outside Charmouth and were warned by the parking attendant that it was a harder walk than many thought .
7 Darlington Council has given permission for Conder Projects to develop an office block on Russell Street car park just outside the ring road halving its total spaces .
8 They also want to speak to anyone who saw a silver-coloured Sierra leave the hotel car park just after 1am .
9 There is traffic moving , it 's moving quite freely apart from the cars going into the car park just behind Clifford 's Tower .
10 After leaving the nightclub with a friend known only as Sharon , Mrs Campbell was last seen alive in the Harding Street car park just behind the Guest House where she met her death .
11 After leaving the nightclub with a friend known only as Sharon , Mrs Campbell was last seen alive in the Harding Street car park just behind the Guest House where she met her death .
12 The path starts at the south end of the coast , at the car park just before the golf club on Cliff Road in Felixstowe .
13 She kneaded me , all right , she wanted me transformed into puff pastry just like Daddy .
14 Carry distress signals just in case .
15 She looked out of her bedroom window just in time to see a dark figure leading Bathsheba 's horse and cart out of the field .
16 The officers ' overcoat was of an Ulster pattern in dark blue cloth , with a deep collar , and two side pockets just below the hips .
17 One slight annoyance came when I tried to procure the sound of a valve amp just on the edge of distortion , like an AC30 or a Vibroverb just going into mild overload .
18 A pro-active public relations executive would have gone over , in detail , the problem of the new soap powder with the client before it was launched and got approval of an action plan just in case of any problems .
19 The siting of the Roman Ermine Street just to the west of Stamford prompted Francis Peck in 1727 to suggest that Stamford was formerly the important Roman town of Durobrivae , originally called Doorebriff He supported the claim with some incoherent etymology that related the name to the Saxon word ‘ Welland ’ , irrespective of the fact that the gentle Welland does not rage or boil ( according to Ekwall 's English River Names , Welland means ‘ good stream ’ ) .
20 Tuesday Evening just after tea .
21 Sir Roger was still recovering from a bad car accident just before Christmas .
22 It , it was a two bedroom old cottage it was , very , very nice with a big garden and all I had was erm one room downstairs and like er a kitchen , well er where the sink and that was it was more like a big room where the kitchen was and the two bedrooms upstairs , but only a door on one bedroom , you went up the stairs into a big open room you know where the bannisters all round you know what I mean , no door on it and just , another door , a bedroom door , that 's all but I loved it you know it was a nice erm , not bad , but of course it was condemned it got so old and then they pulled it down and they built another house on it right next to where erm that shooting took pla you know they was having that shooting night just down that lane where I used to be
23 He said he was still mystified why Johanna had taken down all her Christmas cards from her bedroom wall just before going out .
24 The late Dr. Coulton , in his autobiography , told a tale of a great mathematical teacher at Cambridge who met a candidate in the College court just after the Tripos .
25 ‘ There 's a practice area just around the corner and the starter will call you to the tee five minutes before you are due to tee off , ’ he said .
26 Sport , and with the new football season just over a month old , Oxford United Football Club probably feels they 've had enough problems to last them for a lifetime .
27 And although Phil Simmons earned his first Test wicket by bowling David Boon just before stumps , the home side were still in control with an overall lead of 188 .
28 In those days , scarlet fever victims had to go to the Isolation Hospital just outside the town , and remain there for about six weeks , until all the affected skin had peeled off .
29 The case of Martin Smid — the student whom thousands believe was beaten to death by the riot police just down the road last Friday — was raised .
30 Unfortunately , the donor must have been infected with the Aids virus just before his death , and over the next few years seven of his beneficiaries have become HIV positive .
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