Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] from both " in BNC.

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1 The new company will be based in Fremont , and will employ management , engineering and customer support personnel from both Spea and LSI Logic 's Video Seven group .
2 Fluorite REE patterns from both the north and the south Pennines suggest the importance of heavy REE to light REE fractionation in the ore fluids .
3 In addition shipping into and out of the Jordanian port of Aqaba was seriously disrupted and remittance and aid income from both Iraq and Kuwait halted .
4 Industry guru Marc Schulman has left UBS Securities to set up his own consulting operation , The Technology Strategies Group , whose primary customers are expected to be computer industry managers from both the hardware and software side .
5 They include activists who have successfully experimented with alternative media ; development programme policy-makers from both government and non-government sectors ; representatives of non-government organisations working in grassroots areas ; and communication professionals and researchers .
6 They include activists who have successfully experimented with alternative media ; development programme policy-makers from both government and non-government sectors ; representatives of non-government organisations working in grassroots areas ; and communication professionals and researchers .
7 Henley hosts conferences to report research outcomes from both its own and the wider academic community .
8 After a consideration of the theories , the case law from both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries will be examined .
9 The absence of South Africa from both the 1987 and this year 's tournaments stood out like a sore thumb .
10 All 141 aubjects had a serum sample from both 1969 and 1990 available for analysis and 109 ( 77% ) also had a sample available from 1978 .
11 Shareholders in the British half of the Anglo-Dutch group benefit from both the profit and exchange rate gains with an interim dividend increase to 4.51p a share , from 3.89p .
12 Using computer-controlled equipment , the project will study the use of CSPs in a cross-section of the Cambridge population from both an acoustic and an articulatory point of view .
13 It has been shown to promote gel formation with mucin monomers from both gastric and colonic mucus .
14 Suffice to say , however , that there has been noise deletion ( pertaining to the surface noise from both lacquer and tape masters ) and there has been adjustment of level by way of compensation .
15 Edinburgh , Scotland-based 3L Ltd intends to convert its parallel C compiler technology for Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha AXP processor architecture : Parallel C/AXP will enable developers to create parallel processing software for board and system level Alpha hardware from both DEC and OEM manufacturers ; it will be targeted both at systems integrators building top-end embedded systems , and the personal supercomputer market ; existing 3L parallel C users will also be able to migrate to Alpha systems by simply recompiling applications .
16 Parallel C/AXP will enable developers to create parallel processing software for board and system level Alpha hardware from both DEC and OEM manufacturers .
17 The program has ‘ looked ’ at your pattern and worked out the colour order from both horizontal and vertical lines .
18 November 5th will as usual be celebrated at Quorn with a huge bonfire and firework display with train services from both Loughborough and , for the first time , Leicester .
19 The Whit Monday trains offering a concessionary service into the Derbyshire Peak District from both Manchester and Sheffield offered the advantage of returning from a list of alternative stations and were resoundingly popular .
20 This includes doctors , nurses , students , and hospital workers from both private and government institutions as well as staff from non-government initiatives such as CBHPs .
21 Helping the teacher with this most important activity places great demands on the program designer from both the curriculum and the presentation viewpoint .
22 In the Annual Report two years ago , I called for the careful co-ordination of export support services from both private and public sector organisations .
23 Morgan have AAA debt ratings from both Standard $ Poor 's and Moody 's , two big American rating agencies , Barclays Bank , Deutsche Bank and Union Bank of Switzerland are among the eight European banks in the same category ( see table on next page ) .
24 A salutary cautionary note is sounded by Zillmann who concludes after a painstaking review of experimental evidence that ‘ the amount of relevant data on animal aggression from both laboratory and field investigations is nearly overwhelming .
25 The Stosstruppen of 703 and 705 naval flak battalions moved into the Old Town , Works Companies came towards the north caisson from both east and west .
26 Two other show cases depicted further ‘ oo ’ scale models some complete with coaching or freight stock from the 1960 steam period from both GWR and LMS days .
27 This has been observed in a large number of deep sea cores from both high and low latitudes , though one is tempted to ask how many other species did not become extinct during this period .
28 The philanthropic family 's largesse was echoed by surprise announcements from both the Federal and provincial governments .
29 feelings of doubt , indecision , embarrassment , fear and anger drain energy from both individuals and organizations and , in various ways , exact a heavy toll in time and money .
30 He added : ‘ The two systems , an Alpha Drum Monitor and a Neutron Coincidence Counter , are results of development and design expertise from both Risley and Sellafield built up over recent years .
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