Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] and over " in BNC.

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1 began his career with in June 1950 as a maintenance electrician and over the years he has worked for at Wallingford , at Newark and from 1987 for at Gainsborough .
2 Woan read it perfectly , moving into the Spurs penalty area , skipping past Erik Thorstvedt and over the line .
3 An interesting excursion consists in the trip up this side valley and over the Klausen Pass road from Uri into the canton of Glarus .
4 Over the past sixty years the buildings housing the scientific laboratories and teaching classrooms have been built up and the population of students and staff has grown until there are now nearly one thousand registered postgraduate students and over one thousand academic , research and support staff .
5 In further negotiations with the centre on July 3 , the republics ' delegations demanded more concessions , including republican control over local defence industry enterprises and over import-export licensing , joint control of customs , and the guarantee that autonomous republics would not be allowed to sign the Union Treaty independently — an important clause for the Russian Federation which included 16 autonomous republics .
6 At present there are some 12,000 hotel beds , nearly all in Funchal , compared with 200,000 in the Canary Islands and over 36,0O0 in the Algarve .
7 This Cessna floatplane operates at Te Anau and over the Fiordland area .
8 All the street windows of the Olive and Dove were open , the curtains fanning out gently over window boxes and over fuchsias that dripped red flowers .
9 There was no intention of converting Purley Depôt to a bus garage , as although of a more regular shape , its only entrance was on a busy part of the main Brighton Road and over the years there had been a number of near misses with other traffic , when trams were entering or leaving and the local press had conducted a campaign against its dangerous location .
10 Similar disasters are scattered piecemeal all over Britain , on bomb sites and over the slums they were built to clear .
11 These areas are recognised along the axis of the Sole Pit Trough , onto the flanks of the East Midlands Platform and over the Audrey-Ann area of Quadrant 49 .
12 Not that Andrew Orkney will dwell too much this week on leading them into the Canal Turn and over the final six flights and up the long finish and on to the post and becoming the first optician to win and riding into history .
13 There was talk some time ago of constructing a motor road through the pass , extending the present road alongside Loch Arkaig through Glen Pean and over the pass .
14 The Extraditables were seeking to force concessions from the government over a 1984 extradition treaty with the United States and over policy towards convicted traffickers [ for releases or killings of five hostages since January 1991 see pp. 37957 ; 38001 ] .
15 Stretches of this can still be found descending on Peebles from the north and , south of the town , across a ford on the Haystoun burn and over Kailzie hill , heading onwards over the Ettrick Water towards the Border .
16 The full route will then be able to demonstrate O-bahn operation with diesel and trolley buses and over normal roads , busways , tunnels and track which is shared with trams .
17 Go on to Trecadifor Farm and over a cattle grid .
18 Thousands of doctors , nurses and other health workers also marched on Nov. 17 in protest at government restrictions on health service expenditure and over pay .
19 She debated whether to reach the wherry by going through the Cathedral grounds and over the footbridge — the prettier way — or whether to use over the traffic bridge in front of the market square .
20 His focus is on teachers ' understandings of , and attempts to cope with the situations they experience in schools , and the various pressures and constraints that shape the teaching environment and over which teachers have little control .
21 Jason jumped out of the passenger seat and over a hedge to escape .
22 Today the big draught breeds , especially in the Massif Central , have found new roles in the beef industry and over the last few years they have been exported in increasing numbers to boost beef production in several parts of the world , sometimes displacing some of the famous traditional British beef breeds .
23 Silver grey costume , grey suede shoes and over it all a grey fur coat .
24 And still the faint red light up ahead came and went by fits and starts , leading them on across gale-swept open moorland , through massively still pine forests , up exposed dirt tracks and over passes whose names had vanished with the inhabitants of the farms where until a few decades earlier generation after generation of human beings had eked out lives of almost unimaginable deprivation .
25 Walkers in a hurry can sneak across on a passenger ferry and over the facing hill on a cart track to Dundonnell , saving nearly twenty miles and the best part of a day .
26 There was accord over trade policy and over regional policy in such areas as Latin America .
27 As we threw things in the car , thick purple cloud was boiling up out of the hidden cauldron of the Sélé glacier and over the Ailefroide Occidentale .
28 The debate is over the issues of theory appraisal and theory choice and over ways of demarcating science from non-science .
29 During the conference thousands of demonstrators protested against the US visa restrictions and over alleged inadequate government funding of AIDS research and patient care .
30 This has been coupled with policies for a ‘ strong ’ state in defence and law and order , and more centralized control over local government spending and over secondary and higher education than any previous government has attempted .
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