Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] that their " in BNC.

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1 Capital values at least have the benefit of being related to a market , although I am sure that many owners will seek to convince their bank managers that their property should be in band H while they seek to convince the rating authorities that their property should really be in band F.
2 I want to reassure Esquire readers that their penises are safe . ’
3 By mid — 1943 it was made very clear to the Main Force Groups that their " selection " was unacceptable as I sent more crews back than we kept .
4 Daedalus reasons that their nerve-endings must contain some heavy metal that absorbs X-rays by this sort of mechanism ; the captured energy then fires the nerve .
5 Bank Assistants can feel aggrieved and betrayed that the Bank declared in the Labour Court that their claim was debarred by the National Pay Agreement , the P.E.S.P. At no time during the previous two years was the P.E.S.P. ever mentioned by the Bank .
6 Neil Kinnock former idealist who realised that he has to temper idealism with reality and also persuade his dyed in the wool colleagues that their ideas were out of date .
7 There would inevitably also be a fear among some NHS professionals that their hard-won services would be dissipated into a ‘ support only ’ service and that accurate diagnosis and treatment would be sacrificed in favour of providing a better living environment .
8 The Odones were left stunned when they were told in 1984 at the Children 's Hospital in Washington DC that their fun-loving , brilliant six-year-old son — he already spoke three languages — had ALD , and was under sentence of death .
9 One manager was primarily responsible for securing the new product line , and for persuading management colleagues that their novel approach to organizational design and management style was going to be effective .
10 We know from the study of modern depressive individuals that their illness , if it is of the type termed manic-depressive , can take a sometimes sudden and completely opposite course .
11 His first job will be to try and persuade Wigan 's promising trio of Alan Johnson , Allen Tankard and Bryan Griffiths that their futures lie with the club .
12 This is characteristic of life on Earth — if and when we discover lifeforms on other planets , there is a 50 percent chance that their molecules , unlike ours , may rotate polarized light to the right .
13 Other advantages for registration as a charity are that those parents and friends who can be persuaded to make covenants to the association will be able to gain tax relief and companies that give donations will find it easier to convince the tax man that their gift was entirely for charitable purposes .
14 Firth , Hubert and Forge report that their middle-class respondents almost always named grandchildren as well as children as being part of their close family .
15 They were a captive audience for the beautiful satin and silk and a few weeks later their mothers would be complaining to Mr Smith that their weekly pound had not been received .
16 Probably many of the products of erratic copying will be found to have lost the property of self replication that their ‘ parent ’ had .
17 Here they behaved in such a way as to convince the ASS officers that their lives and those of others were under threat , hence the decision to fire .
18 The Financial Services Act also requires for a body such N C V O that their Memorandum of Association should actually include an explicit power to use investment advisors .
19 So I mean is certainly makes sense on the background and very calmly by er Mr saying very positive so I ca n't hold my hand up and pick out particular in which they , some of them er never change opposition District Council that their negative response if you like but there were , there were some positive responses but only I have to say this for something like four er proposed paper and one of those in which er lots of in which relevance and er businesses in the area could have er the thing that er response was er this this partic particular phrase would seem to be saying trouble erm er identified .
20 Erm , perhaps it will be Mr 's policy to impune all district auditors that their findings are not worth erm , troubling with .
21 The Dutch , for example , had what at least from their own point of view were admirable and generous plans for what might have turned out to be an independent Indonesia ; but , like the French , had failed to persuade their Republican adversaries that their ultimate freedom was assured in European hands .
22 If you were to report to Ernest and Julio Gallo that their pickers seem to have missed an awful lot of grapes , you probably would n't get much of a reaction .
23 Caithness Charcoal claim that their operations would have no damaging environmental impact ; its 130-foot tall factory chimney would , however , release gases including sulphur dioxide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons .
24 DISNEY chiefs are fighting a US ruling that their new film , Sarafina , is not fit for children under 13 after claims it is too violent .
25 Giller and Twomey reason that their river seemed more severely affected than the very few others ever studied .
26 The urgency of the problem is compounded by three factors : the increasing world population ; social , economic and political pressures for economic expansion in industrialised countries ; increasing awareness in Third World countries that their economic situation could be improved by increasing their energy consumption .
27 The administration also took note of the fears of American oil companies that their interests might suffer elsewhere in the Middle East as a result of the nationalization of the British company .
28 Mr Dobbs ' parents heard police evidence that their son had travelled to Amsterdam with 3 others ; two from Gloucester , who 've since been questioned in connection with conspiracy to smuggle drugs .
29 To maintain the high level of accuracy required , a video of the uses of accident data may prove to be valuable in reassuring police officers that their efforts in collecting so many details about each accident really do help to prevent accidents .
30 Capital values at least have the benefit of being related to a market , although I am sure that many owners will seek to convince their bank managers that their property should be in band H while they seek to convince the rating authorities that their property should really be in band F.
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