Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] for local " in BNC.

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1 Councillor Charles Gray , president of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities , was speaking on the eve of a Commons debate on grant support for local authorities .
2 He gave warning of cuts and redundancies and predicted that services in some areas would be eliminated altogether , during the annual Commons debate on grant support for local authorities .
3 But ultimately , at that stage , the expectation is that they will say , well the bulk of the D S S monies have now been transferred to local authorities , and can safely be distributed through the normal standard spending assessment distribution , and the revenue support grant for local authorities , so at that stage you will cease to have any specific grant and one assumes that the conditions about where you spend it and how you spend it will also have been removed .
4 Additionally , in some urban areas neighbourhood councils have been formed but these have no statutory functions and merely provide a sounding board for local opinion .
5 The Marketing Intelligence Centre based in IDB House , offers a free desk research facility for local companies .
6 One argument against the Government 's third term agenda for local government and the public services has been that , by undermining local authorities , they are increasingly centralizing decision-taking .
7 Since the nineteen ninety to ninety one settlement , revenue resources for local authorities have increased by almost five hundred and thirty million pounds or twenty seven percent .
8 It zoomed in to introduce the IntelliServer terminal server for local area networks .
9 Along with other changes to the £3 billion a year housing subsidy system , the Government yesterday also published the annual housing investment programme allocations for local authorities .
10 The borough plans to house its archives in this ‘ lilla huset ’ ( Swedish for ‘ little house ’ ) , together with an urban study centre for local schools and a business studies centre for the borough 's training programme .
11 The relationship between cash crops , particularly those for export , and subsistence crops for local consumption , has occasioned an intense and sometimes bitter debate that has been going on for decades , if not centuries , and goes to the very heart of the global capitalist system and its transnational contradictions .
12 Capita Group , the management services company best known for collecting poll tax and operating TV licence detector vans but which makes most of its money operating computers for local authorities , has been given a new lease of life by John Major 's re-election .
13 April 's inflation figures are likely to show a further fall , mainly because average household bills for local tax have been cut with the shift from a poll tax to a property tax .
14 Another possible route to home ownership for local authority tenants has met with less success .
15 In late December 1986 the Audit Commission for local authorities in England and Wales published an influential report which severely criticized the existing public sector framework for community care services .
16 This set up an Audit Commission for local authorities in England and Wales .
17 Consultants can provide a source of expert advice for local groups , but the issue of who controls the process must be addressed as it was absolutely crucial for any community economic development .
18 For instance , Falmouth may be called a tourist resort , although it is also a shopping centre for local residents , and it has dockyards , a fishing industry and some light industry .
19 Erm , I think , you know , when it says , at the end , towards the end of paragraph eleven , talking about the environmental management scheme for local government , could be utilised as tools to help improve the management framework for the councils precedents and initiatives in environmental matters .
20 Here the externality was a benefit , not a cost : bee-keepers provide pollination services for local growers of flowers and fruit .
21 Pipping its Open Software Foundation Distributed Management Environment chums to the post last week , Hewlett-Packard has released its latest OpenView release 3.0 : its next generation suite of network and management software for local area networks , parts of which are included within the DME spec .
22 The West Country 's joy at being able to combine quality and tradition in the shape of brand-new brown-and-cream-liveried bus-based four-wheeled diesel units for local branch services turned to dismay when their long wheelbase caused ear-splitting squeals on tight curves , and they had to be rapidly replaced by the thirty-year-old DMUs they had supplanted , fortunately not yet scrapped .
23 The marketing companies for local radio and local press also supply information showing the ACORN composition of the areas served by these media .
24 Sometimes the blacksmith would take on commissions from other organisations such as repair work for local factories or railway companies .
25 Toftingall is at the centre of Caithness and in times past was the meeting place for local clans , who gathered there prior to setting off south in search of revenge , plunder or just a jolly good fight .
26 It is about two minutes from the bus service running in to Rimini , and is in front of the meeting point for local excursions .
27 The railway station , then , acted as the collection and distribution point for local , regional , and international economic systems .
28 We not only pay an entrance fee to access these facilities , we also pay a community charge for local amenities .
29 A request from the Evening News for local information for a new Community News section to be introduced .
30 They will provide a permanent base for a new community centre for local parents with young children .
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