Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 and Alison Levitt for the appellant .
2 Other printing projects for the church already underway include Sunday school materials and a new hymn book .
3 Thereafter , the baby is vulnerable to such infections and this is borne in mind when organising immunisation programmes for the child .
4 She relaxed , as satisfied as if she had chaired a difficult meeting through to its triumphant conclusion or been acclaimed at Board level for the fresh approach of her latest report .
5 The difference in motility indices for the total period and the postprandial period did not reach statistical significance .
6 Another function of the Solution , is the ability to display dive profiles for the previous eight hours diving and for dive simulation .
7 Defence electronics for the doves give peace a chance
8 British firms or consortia have won two-thirds of the consultancy contracts for the territory 's £8.5 billion port and airport project .
9 There was little on course money for the horse , but betting shops in Yorkshire were hit by a string of late bets , mostly of £30 or £40 .
10 It is believed that the National Gallery has committed its entire purchase grant for the next three years towards the cost of the Holbein and , given the fact that purchase grants for national museums have been frozen since 1985 , other museums are similarly powerless both to acquire when the works come onto the market , and to match their export price when their licences are suspended .
11 This is because the state is expanding as the unit of international society , and is being called on to take responsibility for the welfare of its citizens in a wider range of areas .
12 Kempe was responsible for many telegraph and telephone services used by the Post Office ( including sending keys , postal pneumatic extensions ) and his design of the Dover–Calais cable for the London–Paris telephone was an acknowledged success .
13 The rearrangement index for the TCR- α locus , RI ( α ) , is defined by ( 1- ( 5'J α 1/C α ratio of sample ) / ( 5'J α 1/C α ratio of RAG-1 sample ) ) ) x100 .
14 The figure of £15,778 under survey fees is part payment for the Race Relations Consultancy .
15 As expected , shadowing did result in a significant reduction in right field advantage for the verbal task .
16 It was , however , also found to cause a slight change in right field advantage for the visuo-spatial task .
17 This study involves asking subjects to perform the dot location task and another task accessing the right hemisphere simultaneously to look for reduction in left field advantage for the dot location task a result .
18 Above , we see that there is in fact a significant right field advantage for the verbal tasks , trigram and word recognition and also a significant lack of right field advantage for the spatial tasks of dot location and counting .
19 Above , we see that there is in fact a significant right field advantage for the verbal tasks , trigram and word recognition and also a significant lack of right field advantage for the spatial tasks of dot location and counting .
20 This was a wonderful opportunity to continue to network European wide and the WASL representatives have brought back a good range of catalogues and information about new women artists groups for the archive .
21 TWO YEARS AGO BECK AND Pollitzer won the contract for delivering Guinness Brewing GB products for the Take Home Trade .
22 Richard Norton-Taylor adds : Contingency plans for the use of troops in ambulance disputes were drawn up shortly after the Government came to power in 1979 , Whitehall documents show .
23 Richard Norton-Taylor adds : Contingency plans for the use of troops in ambulance disputes were drawn up shortly after the Government came to power in 1979 , Whitehall documents show .
24 Make sure you have contingency plans for the photographer in case of bad weather and discuss these with your photographer .
25 Their chaotic flight on 22 December revealed their complete lack of serious contingency plans for the eventuality of a coup , let alone a popular revolution .
26 The advertising vice-president who stays late every night working on next week 's layouts but who also has to begin making contingency plans for the expected launch of two new local advertising media campaigns three years hence has a responsibility time span of three years .
27 These were Denis Baxter for his delicate etching ‘ Cannington Viaduct ’ , Miranda Ellis for the almost abstract and evocatively coloured watercolour ‘ Blue morning kitchen window ’ , Sophie Rider for the solid and amusing sculpture ‘ Horse with tulip ’ and Bonnie Brown for the de Stael-like oil painting ‘ Celia 's dream on the headland ’ .
28 A secondary , methodological , objective of the research is thus to explore ways of developing and enhancing traditional content analysis techniques through the use of text-databases and computer programmes for the analysis of textual data .
29 At the end of 1990 , the actual budget deficit for the year was put at L141,000,000 million ( approximately US$104,000 million ) and the total outstanding public debt , at L1,310,000,000 million ( approximately US$967,000 million ) , had overtaken GDP .
30 President Reagan found it difficult to reduce the US budget deficit for the same reasons .
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