Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [Wh det] could " in BNC.

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1 We mean to work out ways of using new course structures , perhaps with part-time study , new ways of teaching and an innovative approach to university admission which could enable more people from Birmingham and the West Midlands to benefit from their local university .
2 It has been suggested that we could derive considerable economies from the use of prefabricated kitchen units which could be ‘ added on ’ at the side or rear .
3 The EIT was set up last year to help fund university research which could help underpin the technological base of Europe 's industry .
4 Despite this electoral success for Labour , the years following the 1966 election showed up starkly the inability of this government to hold together a determined support bloc which could accomplish substantial social and economic changes .
5 The various support and maintenance activities which could relatively easily be ‘ contracted out ’ were early targets .
6 These ‘ pull ’ factors operated with particular force in the post-Second World War period as many of the European countries began to reconstruct and expand their economies at a rapid rate and found themselves suffering acute labour shortages which could only be relieved by the employment of foreign workers .
7 They suggested a public investment programme which could be planned ahead to counteract the fall in private investment during a slump .
8 They were described as designed to disadvantage the fledgling opposition parties which could expect substantial support from West German sister parties .
9 Not surprisingly this created a demand for experienced trainer manpower which could not be met , there was some disillusion and retrenchment in the 1970s .
10 Both the ITV broadcaster and the BBC are renowned for their programme archives which could attract new viewers to satellite and cable if promoted properly .
11 One of the potentially most significant developments in the period of glasnost and perestroika was the setting up of a constitutional review committee which could comment on the constitutional legality of legislation passed by the Congress of People 's Deputies or the Supreme Soviet and decrees issued by the President .
12 Ian Slater Calverton 's U D M branch delegate says the speed at which the meeting has been arranged is another attempt by British Coal to reduce the review period which could give the mine a nine month life line .
13 Thus the model can not take account either of changes in operators ' costs or of developments such as road pricing or a carbon tax which could be in place in the medium or long term .
14 RESIDENTS claimed last night that a multi-million pound development which could create 400 jobs would intensify their ordeal by juggernaut .
15 A MULTI-million pound development which could create around 400 jobs in a Wirral unemployment blackspot has won council backing .
16 That disc must be a lifting platform which could raise and lower the Governor 's sanctum sanctorum , his travelling tabernacle .
17 Employees may find it difficult to gain information on rent levels which could apply to their own homes .
18 In another move , Brabant Resources , for which Aberdeen has made an all-share offer , said it had received a second bid approach which could lead to a cash offer .
19 Now , however a new layout has been agreed by the course bookmakers association and the racecourse executive which could take much of the hassle out of betting at the track .
20 Inland Revenue booklets which could be helpful , especially if you are interested in the possibility of becoming self-employed or starting your own business include :
21 The Soviets are particularly interested in growing protein crystals which could help to develop drugs to tackle diseases including Aids .
22 also thought that the media had , in recent years , turned their attention much more strongly to the downside environmental impact of coal , especially to its producing large amounts of carbon dioxide which could well be changing the earth 's climate in undesirable ways .
23 Brazil 's eventual choice is clear , if unpalatable : either forgo a quota system which could help raise and stabilise prices , or enter the quota system but formally give up market share to other producers .
24 This could lead to a heavy fine or the impounding of the CAR trucks which could jeopardise future mercy trips to Eastern Europe .
25 It would be easy to dismiss ‘ softing ’ as an esoteric corner of the stock market which could be ignored , if it did not account for one deal in every six .
26 At the far side , the peninsula of Northmavine forms a boundary which ends at Fedeland , one of the famous ‘ haaf stations ’ of last century , from which the Shetland fisherman used to row or sail in open boats to the ‘ far haaf ’ , the fishing grounds which could be as far as sixty or more kilometres from land .
27 Scientists have developed a new wave machine which could save hundreds of homes threatened by the sea .
28 HTV CHAIRMAN Louis Sherwood yesterday warned of the dire consequences of changes to ITV ownership rules which could put the company under the threat of a take-over .
29 They 've also applied for a licence to hold all-nighters in premises adjacent to Quadrant Park which could hold 4,000 people .
30 The council is now carrying out a work study which could bring a shake-up that will end Derek 's golden days .
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