Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [noun pl] i " in BNC.

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1 HAVING watched Carrick Rangers through the years from as far back as the B Division days I feel I must comment on the pathetic lack of support given to the manager by the board .
2 ‘ Several minutes after we returned , my station officer called me in to his office and warned me that as I was not working by London Ambulance Service guidelines I would be stood down without pay . ’
3 After a day or so , they started to inspect the half-buried ¾″ plastic pipes I had provided as caves .
4 The arts collaboration practices I have so far observed have been inadequate models of curriculum practice .
5 Just to pass some time cos I 'm bored I 'd thought I 'd list a team of crap Leeds players I 've had the misfortune to see over the years .
6 Just to pass some time cos I 'm bored I 'd thought I 'd list a team of crap Leeds players I 've had the misfortune to see over the years .
7 As soon as Dennis had roared off towards the offices of Osiris Management Services I strolled down Ramillies Drive to the Parsonage and rang the bell .
8 If you need to send the remedy through the post and are not using dropper type stock bottles I have personally found it safest to add the granule to 10mls of alcohol in say a 10ml screw cap vial .
9 On one of our south coast patrols I managed to be in at the kill on what turned out to be one of our more amusing combined operations .
10 In view of the limited time available before the scheduled date for Advance Data Capture for Council Tax purposes I will ask my secretary to set up a meeting to discuss this document and Council Tax structures and staffing levels in a couple of weeks time .
11 Home security systems I have to say that home improvements is the most likely jeep er leap that people will take first time
12 However if rock bottom price matters I would be very satisfied with the CA&G VG1460 or the AOC CM-335 .
13 It might seem odd that this kind of thing is happening in the age of Aids , but none of the home porn stars I interviewed seemed very concerned .
14 The dynamic Christine Duncan with her landing strips in the bush and Jenny Frame , CFI at Nelson , were only two of the interesting lady Kiwi fliers I met .
15 More than most of the zillion poker hands I 've ever played , I confess , I 've lost sleep over this one .
16 Most of the council estate dwellers I meet do n't — they only want a council house they could like and feel some control over .
17 At Albufeira no one ever bothered me and the local fishermen were only too happy to accept the lead fishing weights I found , so I do n't suppose they reported me .
18 While I confess that when it comes to Ovation roundback instruments I 've never really seen what the fuss was about , I 've always had a sneaking admiration for anyone who uses them .
19 From Mr Fothergills Seeds I 'd choose Penstemon ‘ Petit Bouquet ’ which does n't produce all the colours they list but is still very impressive , flowering in many shades of pink and blue .
20 shelf Sunday mornings I wake up All wrapped
21 No , it , it 's , it , it , it 's coloured like a fire , fire , fire engine red and all the other things , but it , it 's a commercial vehicle a roll-on roll-off type of vehicle , which you can buy commercially and , and adapt for Fire Service use , and there 's erm I should think there must be about half a dozen pods now , erm at High Wootton , in fact police services are using it , Thames Valley Police I remember coming up here to , to take the idea back , erm I saw yesterday at Hungerford , er the police there going with their pods to ,
22 Transition to the outside destroys the manufactured reality of one ‘ real world ’ and two ex-police probation officers I knew became the equivalent of potential ‘ prigs ’ .
23 Now er in the in the An engineer if you 've any engineer friend engineering friends I could explain it all to you but it takes time .
24 Dear Guitarist Catching Nirvana 's ‘ performance ’ on the recent MTV Video Music Awards I was reminded of the time when , as a youngster , the guitar-smashing exploits of my heroes — the likes of Townshend and Hendrix — left a bad taste in my mouth .
25 Erm good one thank you report to the Highways Committee complaints I think he 's er perhaps remarkably lucky in operating this way and er i it 's er a great credit to the department in terms of
26 ‘ This Belle Ile place intrigues me .
27 And can I remind the district planning officers I am looking for a positive contribution from you on Tuesday .
28 That 's point one erm point two on the planning application fees I realize that a number of planning applications are down somewhere else erm it says that planning application fees are going to be increased by fifteen percent and there by thirteen percent .
29 ‘ I remember earlier in my career when I rode Ile de Bourbon in the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes I was almost taken off the mount because Lester was hovering around , ’ he told me .
30 All three Alejo Carpentier novels I once owned disappeared , one by one , in the most mysterious fashion .
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