Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The Piazza della Scala was created in 1859–60 when several old buildings between what is now La Scala and the Palazzo Marino were pulled down .
2 They are as much a part of Milan as La Scala or the Galleria Vittore Emmanuele .
3 ‘ When you get something like this you always get souvenir hunters but the ship itself is the property of the Receiver of Wreck and it is theft to take anything from it .
4 Eastman Fine Chemicals gives you access to the capabilities of 3 respected worldwide suppliers of fine chemicals — Sterling Organics , the Kodak Laboratory and Research products Division and the Eastman Chemical Company of Eastman Kodak Company .
5 New trade routes may be traced by the spread of metalworking skills and the import of rare and exotic materials such as gemstones and ivory for jewellery .
6 On 8 June , four days after the Tiananmen massacre and the day after rioting in Hong Kong , Chinese negotiators announced they were ready .
7 The Royal Commission ( 1949 , Chapter 15 ) while uncertain that the trend of ‘ national intelligence ’ really was downwards , felt that ‘ it is clearly undesirable for the welfare and cultural standards of the nation that our social arrangements should be such as to induce those in the higher income groups and the better educated and more intelligent within each income group to keep their families not only below replacement level but below the level of others ’ .
8 I mean we ca n't go into the private market and expect them or asking them to provide houses erm affordable houses as I say the question is what 's an affordable house , who 's got the money to buy the house I would presume , but obviously we know the situation is it 's the lower rent of market , the lower income groups and the unemployed that are suffering very much reasonable accommodation at a rent or at a price they can afford and I reckon this is what hopefully the government was after to say whether we 'll put in our policy and hope that we can get things .
9 They were convinced that equal allowances , financed out of general taxation so that the rich contributed more than the poor , should be given in all income groups because the responsibility of motherhood and the value of the child were the same whatever the status of the parents .
10 The cancer subgroup , even those with very early tumours , had significantly lower cholesterol values than the group with polyps alone .
11 At this time the Personnel Information System Department was formed within the Personnel Directorate and the evolution of a Personnel Information System began .
12 In summary , it was concluded from the initial examination of the FAOR proposals that the development of a global user requirement for the introduction of either computerised indexing and storage systems was not appropriate , or possible , at that time , and it was necessary to take an evolutionary bottom-up approach that recognised not only the limitations and costs of the current market in software and equipment , but also the particular needs of individual functions .
13 Occupancy change and the farmed landscape
14 At 2.40 a motorbike rider appeared on Gresham Street , parked outside the PKB building and the rider disappeared inside .
15 The use of limit pricing can lead to considerable differences between the settlement price of a futures contract and the underlying equilibrium price .
16 Strategy 2 involves the purchase of a futures contract and the investment of a sum of money equal to the value of the cash index purchased under strategy 1 ( i.e. P s ) at the money market rate of interest .
17 The area around and to the north of the capital , Mogadishu , was controlled by the United Somali Congress ( ‘ U.S.C. ’ ) ; but this soon split into two factions , one led by General Aidid and the other by Mr. Ali Mahdi Mohammed .
18 Of the many interesting places to visit , try Caernarfon Castle , 6 miles away ; Llandudno , a Victorian seaside resort ; Harlech Castle ; and Portmeirion , the dream village of Clough Williams-Ellis and the setting for the TV series ‘ The Prisoner ’ .
19 When Christians hear that they usually think it 's spelt S O N but it is n't , it 's S U N and the Sun of Righteousness er with healing in his wings , so Freud says and I believe it 's actually this seen it , it 's very common on Egyptian monuments it 's a picture of a sun er with , with wings , with rays shining out of it .
20 Crippled by gunshot wounds they were rescued by British doctor Pauline Cutting and taken for treatment to Stoke Mandeville and the National Spinal Injuries Unit .
21 Finally , back to Stoke Mandeville and the return tonight of Bilal Shabib , and Samir Medina , five years after they were rescued from almost certain death in the civil war in Lebanon .
22 The report criticizes architects , designers , building operators and the Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) for not paying sufficient attention to air quality .
23 On May 20 the human rights organization Amnesty International had expressed concern at the lack of access of defence counsel and the " selection " process for the 200 detainees waiting to be tried .
24 His counsel , Mr Thomas Shields , told Mr Justice Popplewell that the article , headed : ‘ Fash : I 'd have knocked him through the wall .
25 There are two limiting cases to consider : the weak field case and the strong field case .
26 In 1797 , as part of his duties as a young laird , Kinloch was appointed to command the Coupar–Angus Company of the Volunteers , territorials who were recruited to meet the danger of a possible French invasion , but in Scotland confined their activities to suppressing riots aroused by the Militia Acts and the press gangs .
27 Two very important indexing journals not always used as much as they might be by social researchers are the British Humanities Index and the Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin .
28 The wording is very clear and in view of the dicta in the Vestey decision and the major shift in the approach to be adopted to that section — restricting the same to the settlor and his spouse and taking into account the provisions of TA 1988 , s740 — it is felt that the Revenue will have to concede this point unless they change the law ( in which case one would have to watch very carefully what was said in Parliament to see how the change is to have effect ! ) .
29 Leaving aside discussion of case loads and the closure of cases ( to be covered below ) the development officers found this referral rate entirely manageable except towards the end of the referral year when case loads were at their peak and referrals were also high ; for example , the development officer in Newham remarked in January l985 ‘ I feel a bit shell-shocked this month with ail the new referrals together with all my problem cases ’ .
30 The problems of over–crowded teaching programmes and the difficulties this brings for students and staff are recognised .
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