Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [verb] day " in BNC.

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1 Those who live in houses with thick walls or use a machine in an outbuilding are very fortunate because they can knit all day and use the garter carriage at night , or make twice as many pieces by leaving the garter carriage to knit day and night .
2 Middle-earth itself survived in song even after people had forgotten what it meant : ‘ 0 cocks are crowing a merry midd-larf , /A wat the wilde foule boded day . ’
3 International : Ghost town celebrates day one of ‘ liberation ’
4 The two Kirkwall solicitors worked day and night to gather and collate these statements .
5 After the death last year of Steve Ross , the controversial mogul who merged Time and Warner in 1989 , Mr Levin laboured day and night to seal the deal .
6 Adult education authorities hold day and evening classes in relaxation ( movement , breathing and mental relaxation ) ; and some are designed especially for women or older people .
7 for night killer read day healer ,
8 Such ideal conditions contrast sharply with the actual experiences of ‘ war communism ’ : money became valueless because of the disappearance of goods , wages were replaced by rations — the rations of abject poverty not abundance — prices became imaginary because money no longer had any value , and paper money was issued by keeping the printing presses working day and night , amounting to hyper-inflation !
9 Hundreds of trade unionists came day after day to support the Grunwick strikers on the picket line .
10 The Dwarfs are forced to watch the number of beard scalps grow day by day , while by night the pounding war drums of the Night Goblins and the screaming of captives haunts their sleep .
11 Further information : local Age Concern group ( many Age Concern groups provide day care ) ; local Alzheimer 's Disease Society group ; local stroke group ; local carers group ; social services department .
12 Peter Chandler spent days in a tea trolley with the trays taken out .
13 Dinghies and 18ft gaff rigged day boats ; shore accommodation too .
14 This is the emotional strain ambulancemen have day in , day out . ’
15 Cleveland councillors have approved resource centres offering day care for the Family Support Service .
16 SG to speak at National Council of Domiciliary Care Services study day ‘ A Matter of Choice ’ , London
17 Allitt ought to have told her , and she would have told a doctor immediately , Nurse Geeson told day three of the trial at Nottingham Crown Court .
18 The Family , the bourgeois white , patriarchal , heterosexual family , wins elections — or so Labour believes — because Labour believes in The Family the way night follows day .
19 On the 26 August , we will be holding the promised follow-up to our Emergency Services open day .
20 On the afternoon of 26 August we will be holding the promised follow-up to our Emergency Services open day ; it will only involve representatives from the Police and British Gas South Western and I will be pleased if you or other senior colleagues can take part .
21 On the 26 August , we will be holding the promised follow-up to our emergency Services open day .
22 Le Pen enjoys day of embarrassment
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