Example sentences of "[interj] [interj] he 's " in BNC.

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1 Oh oh he 's looking at the card , Phil 's go to Gary
2 Oh aye he 's alright .
3 Oh no he 's
4 Oh just missed one Oh no he 's he 's going in .
5 Oh no he 's not , he 's , he 's gon na get out in ten seconds .
6 Oh no he 's not !
7 Take him over here Raymond , oh no he 's sitting beside you , you 're alright .
8 Oh no he 's not doing that , sorry
9 Oh no he 's not !
10 Oh no he 's coming off on , off the lorry so that 's no good .
11 Oh no he 's alright now .
12 Oh no he 's at college that 's right .
13 It does n't seem that long ago that this column reported an addition to Matthew Hall 's family and hey presto he 's done it again .
14 No no he 's that year older
15 Yes he is ha ha he 's breaking the law anyway .
16 Tt mm he 's colour blind as well .
17 Okay , now the good news the next night is that I 'm gon na take away some of your money , and you think , oh wow he 's taking .
18 Hello hello , he 's back again , oh yes he 's beautiful , and do we wan na touch him ?
19 I was quite surprised , er during the summer I went to my grandson 's school fete and they had a hot air balloon demonstration there and this er , this car turned up with a trailer on the back with , I du n no , probably some name , hot air balloon name on the trailer , I thought oh yes he 's gon na show us how to inflate it and i I was quite amazed from the time he unpacked the balloon to the time it actually took off was only ten minutes .
20 I said did you meet Mr she says oh yes he 's
21 Oh yes he 's mo
22 Oh yes he 's alright .
23 Oh yes he 's watching Errol Flynn is n't he ?
24 Oh yes he 's just like him
25 Oh yes he 's think it 's very .
26 Oh yes he 's not looking very happy .
27 Yes yes he 's he 's ta taking round some Japanese investors .
28 Yes yes yes He 's a pleasant enough chap .
29 that actor oh blimey he 's
30 Let's have a look see if it 's been rewound , yeah , mm actually you might not have to on that , that might just be there , oh dear he 's throwing a strop up there
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