Example sentences of "[interj] [interj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Oh oh well done anyway .
2 Oh oh here comes the monster .
3 Oh no when do you wan na go and
4 No no just get one for me .
5 No no completely stripped , I went right , cos I would do that yeah and they were going oh actually no erm stockings and and erm
6 Oh no no never saw any plastic flowers then .
7 No no no no can I no no yes just let just let me pursue pursue the the thing the way I would like to at the moment .
8 Mm sshh sshh better look that up .
9 She said umm oh where have you been !
10 Bye bye now have a good day bye bye .
11 and then suddenly from the other end there 's this like , cos we , it 's like a big room , it 's the other end of the room all the dealers there , and er anyway and er and suddenly I hear , and then someone 's like saying talking , they 're all , somebody 's like mi microphone and starts talking to them about er what 's happening in the market , things like that blah blah blah blah blah , and this means blah blah blah blah so watch out for blah blah blah and I thought it 's like living in a different world , it 's amazing .
12 Yes oh yes generally came .
13 Oh yes well hoping so
14 Oh yes so did I , a few times .
15 Oh yes oh yes certainly knew you had to know what you were doing with it you know .
16 Clarity yes mhm okay go for that I 'm not fussy I mean you can .
17 Yes yes well leave the trees where they are but but that diabolical thing well art today I do n't know what they think art is .
18 Mm mm Why do n't you just
19 Mm mm where did you stay ?
20 Mm mm just said come round after eight o'clock .
21 Mm mm mm mm Never mind .
22 Mm ah just lost the name of the place , but it 's quite near Peter
23 and they have to think of it all by themselves , the teachers ca n't say ooh ooh well put flowers on there .
24 Ooh dear Well do it on the canvas , after all that was
25 Oh dear Well thank you .
26 oh dear still drunk that 's what it is
27 Oh yeah definitely see I 've started doing a newsletter for
28 Mm Yeah we 've been found it really difficult finding a baby sitter really I 'm surprised ever since we 've had Lisa we 've been really bad uh uh actually having baby sitters and you know actually making the effort to go out really .
29 Uh uh okay go on .
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