Example sentences of "[interj] [coord] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She says no and plunges right in : that 's her way .
2 I could do that — aye and work hard an' all .
3 In 1973 the industry came under national control and since then it has expanded from nearly 44 000 ha to more than 70 000 ha and employs more than 22 per cent of the island 's labour force .
4 Yes , oh and speaking entrentically about the congregation of the firstborn
5 And when Ubaldo asked the Milettis , lo and behold there was such a villa , such an olive grove , such shares !
6 Oh but look here , does n't someone show me round — show me the ropes sort of thing ? ’
7 Yes when the barriers was n't there you see , the water came right out through Hoy and went right out at .
8 This old woman do n't hear the first time , and when I say it again , she just says yes and walks away .
9 Yes and see exactly .
10 Begin with Yo and evaluate successively
11 Happily Mr White soon abandons this sort of yuk and reveals much that is interesting in Hawking 's life at Cambridge and later abroad ; his progress from stick to crutches to wheelchair to electric car , from whispered speech to tracheotomy to a computerised voice machine ; the problems of finding suitable accommodation , exacerbated by an unhelpful bursar ; the birth of his three children ; difficulties with his wife Jane , to whom he owed so much , and their eventual separation ; his love of dancing and dinner parties , and always his stubborn courage in refusing to regard himself or allow others to regard him as anything but normal .
12 Yeah and clean very clean , yeah
13 Soon the lawyer said goodnight and went home to bed , where he lay awake for a long time thinking about Enfield 's description of Hyde , and Doctor Jekyll 's will .
14 After the story was finished , Nosheen and Simeen said goodnight and disappeared upstairs to bed .
15 yeah but see right , if she licked hard
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