Example sentences of "[interj] [conj] they have " in BNC.

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1 No cos they have n't done this one because it should n't be in here !
2 No cos they have n't put it out yet
3 No but they have n't , Charlie apologized on Monday and they 've been really nice to me , been getting on really well with Jim and Charlie in lessons
4 At Leeds , they er , I have n't been and er I were in the Conservative club at Queensbury and they had a club , they had er , er a trip that went through to the erm , to the brewery and Leeds tt and they have a fi er a sociable room you know
5 But when yo when you walk in the door , I mean , first Stuart knew so he that 's why he took me in , and we walk in and there 's a head waiter would you like a table for two sir would you like a non smoking or a smo and then he showed you to your table and pulled your chair , you know , I mean tha not what you expect in a tea shop or coffee place you know i ha ha and they have proper waitresses with the little hat on , you know she 'll get about four tables so they 're looking after you and even on your saucer where you had your I mean yo your teapot and everything on the saucer 's a little mat so that you do n't drip , if it drips
6 mhm And they have to buy everything for you , and it takes ages does n't it .
7 Yeah cos they have , they have a tendency to do that sort of thing you see they 're changing all the time
8 Yeah cos they have to sort of bring the staircases , cos they built all that on did n't did n't they
9 Yeah cos they have it keep pushing !
10 Yeah and they have them there see and like after so long they come out and sell them .
11 Yeah if they have a reaction
12 Yeah but they have n't been there to disconnect .
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