Example sentences of "[unc] we do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You w you will tr we do n't want you know va I mean if we get too many , it could go the other way , but we i if we could get three or four items , that would be very nice .
2 I mean er we did alright as well but
3 I , I was amazed when I wrote to you and suggested that er we did n't need thirteen weeks in bridge assessment perhaps
4 We did the o we did try the overture , I think , er but we er we did n't get on very well with it .
5 But er we did n't I did n't go back , we 'd already we 'd we 'd got some land and er and we 'd set up er pig breeding and er we 'd got about a hundred and twenty strong store pigs at that time .
6 And er and then there used to be some houses what er we did n't live in one of them but there used to be a lot of houses what used to be railings round , and there used to be steps and you 'd go down the steps , into the And they used to c they used to live downstairs and then well of course when you 're in the house in the side the room they used to have another flight of steps to come upstairs to a l a front room or a lounge or whatever you mind to call it .
7 There are tigers there , and there 's leopards and things called sloth bears , a sort of bear , but they 're actually quite rare so er we did n't see any of those , apart from the rhinos , we went very very quietly crawled under the undergrowth and we saw them in a water hole and they were just bathing there .
8 And er we did n't always remember where they lived .
9 So er we did n't like er so we , she was a Miss of course .
10 And it was quite quiet for a little bit because most of them had established themselves and we were waiting for a breakout and er we did n't get on the move again until the they went through the after it had been .
11 Not without throwing a great lot onto the rates because the rates were just Selkirkshire , and Peebleshire had to keep it up then and er we did n't er get grants for it in these days .
12 Er we did n't do much .
13 I believe that er we did n't er consider going to look at the development because it was quite clearly in the minds of a large percentage of us that it was contrary to the town plan and so we did not think it was necessary to do that .
14 and I 'm the mail-out coordinator we 've we 've so far mailed out all but one of the of the new magazines and er we did n't do the last one but we 're we 're scheduling up for doing this one .
15 Er we did n't always know what was going on but erm , we did catch the planes when they took off in the morning and we watched them come home in the afternoons and we got some ideas sometimes when things had n't gone quite right and I 'm sure we did share with you in your grief .
16 I 'd be surprised at the end of the day if er we did n't find a solution that would enable John Macgregor to go forward .
17 Well , you see , er we did n't know that .
18 And er we did n't
19 So er we did n't bother !
20 I mean this is the the cause of inflation surely is to have more , too much money taken too few goods and if you produce more goods this helps to deflate , er we did n't have inflation thirty years ago .
21 And er we did n't actually go in , but I 'd love to go back one day and have a look ,
22 It was only Sunday services but er we did occasionally have , cos you do n't get a wedding every day , but we did sing occasionally at the weddings , the biggest service was at Easter when there was quite a performance at Easter yes Joh Johnny he was a he was in the choir and he 's , there was another woman that might be interested a Mrs in Street during the fourteen war they used to have the Red Cross collection and they 'd organize processions round round the streets collecting for the Red Cross and they used to knit socks and send them out and all that sort of thing
23 So we did er we did indeed get some er basic military training .
24 Quite a bit there er when you lay it out like that in a pattern a thought pattern which shows just how much er we did actually get through er from where you started at ten in the morning or just after with the presentation right through to the second presentation .
25 er which goodness erm , we believe that we are spending substantial sums of money in areas of traffic calming town and parks and and various other areas that have er been er touched upon er we do not think it would be prudent
26 Yes most certainly because er the point is that er we 're involved er with the erm , er and the honouring of the start of an agreement , and er I think that the West er therefore has er direct er responsibility also in this matter and er I fear that er ten percent , er alright ten percent of the nuclear weaponry is in Ukraine is in and er we do not er have some kind of proper arrangement being er agreed too .
27 It does reflect right through society er still does n't , the message still does n't get home , and I would like to move Mr Chairman , that er we do again er write and see if we can get some special recognition of this very serious problem that there is .
28 Er we do n't have concentration at the moment erm , I 'm not sure
29 Any discussion , if we enter into any discussion , we start tinkering with it and er we do n't know where we 'd end .
30 Er we do n't take any offers
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