Example sentences of "[unc] i i [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well you should y I I I er these la these these labels are so difficult to fit because if you say , Moving to the right , you then have to show me what policies the government is pursuing and you 'll probably find that I either play the part in thinking off argu arguing for them some years before some of my colleagues .
2 Erm and therefore I g I I I do think that is quite a big issue as far as this but all I these these all these arguments have been rehearsed as we 've said before , in housing committee , but I would just like to make one point and this is it .
3 But I cert I I I I I ju I it it just sounds you know two hundred pounds a month , just over two hundred pound a month
4 Er I know er perhaps I was er civil or obedient or whatever , I do n't know but er I I they u they used to have this this collection for the for supposedly for carrying the water , I do n't know .
5 I suppose it 's erm in in that sense erm er I I I I can see what you 're , this , I do n't think that 's a factor in in in the , in the erm in in the fact that these wars are short .
6 Er I I I I th I doubt if really we , we need to go into all this matter again .
7 If there 's anything more which is going to ass er ass er assist me in understanding it , er I I I w would certainly find that helpful .
8 Er I I I Otherwise
9 Er I I I have your notice Mr er agreed .
10 Er and I well remember er even as early as nineteen nineteen the election which took place immediately after world war one , I remember being er sort of dragged round the streets , you know , er I think it was enjoyable , I do n't know er by my mother , er attending these street meetings , er I I I very well remember it because I had a a a new coat , a new coat for for er for this particular venture , and er the two things you know are fairly deep in my memory .
11 And to th for for them we 're extremely er I I I I give my regards and er the regional party is grateful for their work .
12 Er on the sand at Grimness Now there 's hardly any sand there then , you had difficulty finding a patch , not not like where you 've the huge area now at the Barrier And so er I I I know that in the Hope they had a bigger one , and I believe in the Wyvell area they had one as well , you see ?
13 and er , I think that er , er I I I 'm quite interested an and really quite amused , if I once gone on proceedings of this council , because every time a a new initiative has been proposed , you have said , oh yes , we were going to do that .
14 Er I I I would n't
15 No er I I I have
16 Robert I 've got no problem with that erm I 've put down here you would n't go on the dole and you got this through your , I think it would be fair enough and er I I I admire that .
17 Erm and er I I I I 'm planning to accept the Labour amendments and the Conservative addition to them .
18 I thought Chairman that er Mr is saying that er they would consider any consult with the Union on some of the statements that have been made and I quite er the item D is in fact necessary that er I I I gave no arguments , it should be given consideration if it is come to that and er it will come back presumably to form a proposition of deal with it then .
19 Er I I I he said that oh yes I do want to go down these stairs but there 's folks coming up and down and the esc you know , someone coming on the escalator .
20 No I funnily enough I just landed er er I I I did n't hurt myself at all .
21 And er I I you are going to be in thee and I going to thee in you .
22 Even if you b I I I would imagine that many of you , based on the notes alone that you 've got from here , without any reading , would probably get through So , you 've got nothing to worry about as long as you do the work .
23 anyway erm they started at Well you know quite an easy job but the the er s their wage was about sev I I I I forget .
24 try and get some information on this they felt that they were confident that at the end of the day that erm , approval would be given but erm I I I asked for it in writing and they said we would n't be getting that .
25 Erm I I I think you 're doing really brilliantly .
26 Erm I I I did this morning but I 've handed it back to the District Council access to their newt report , which was referred to a couple of days ago .
27 Are the banks simply though , trying to shift responsibility so you think , erm I I I think that the the sceptic in me would would say that they are trying to abnegate a certain amount of of responsibility .
28 Erm I I I signed over I signed over a number of thousands of pounds erm n nine years ago , eight or nine years ago with regard to the matrimonial home which Alison still lives in with my son Ben today .
29 There is not erm I I I I would erm I have the figures ready to hand but .
30 Erm I I I would obviously take very seriously the N R A responsibilities but I think you 've got to bear in mind there 's within the water act , there 's a thing called infrastructure charges
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