Example sentences of "[unc] [vb pp] to [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I want to start with , with pensions pay and er , basically what 's happening is that everyone 's suffering pay cuts er and er th th what the government is doing is , first of all is attacking the State pension scheme er , and it 's allowing , er , employers to continue to rip-off occupational pension schemes and er since it 's pay , and it 's our pay , we wan na make sure we control it and I do n't see why the employers should be allowed to continue to exploit er , us both at one , both in terms of the pay we get now and the pay we get when we retire , whether it be at sixty whether it be er , whenever we wish to er retire and er , I think it 's very important if the government is er committed to crime prevention , that it actually starts doing something about those for , those , those employers , and Maxwell has , has been er referred to already , he 's just the tip of this very big iceberg er , and er , up and down the country , people are suffering substantial thefts of pay er employers are systematically organizing wages snatches , that 's what this er pension fraud is all about , and it 's about time that our government actually got round er and tackled this very important corporate crime issue that 's actually going on at the moment and er , I think that it 's very important that we ensure that we 're involved in er managing our own pension sch p pension funds , and therefore we should be pushing through demands of the er th the , the charter for pension fund democracy , and ensuring er that the government actually listens to what we 're saying , and actually er comes up with answers why we can not have the right to control our pay cos I can I ca n't see an any reason that they come back and say why democracy , why they ca n't , why , why they wo n't allow us to have a greater say and control our own pension funds and that 's I think is a legitimate demand that we should be campaigning for , up and down the country .
2 Erm you 're effect erm limited to well no you could leave anything you like .
3 In order to assist you with your understanding of the results of the group to date I attach , as Appendix A to this letter , the unaudited draft consolidated group results for the year to 31st October , 19XX referred to above .
4 Er in fact the discussion on Friday was re tied back to the criterion in the County Council 's er policy which says , be capable of being assimilated satisfactorily into the local landscape which in the course of the discussion , was erm extended to also take on board the possibility that it could be located where it may produce environmental improvements on the use of derelict land .
5 But if you 're int limited to only three subjects surely she
6 Between 1976 and 1986 when the total number of one parent families increased by 35 per cent , families headed by women increased more than families headed by men — almost 40 per cent compared to just over 10 per cent .
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