Example sentences of "[unc] [det] [be] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But er that is is half the battle .
2 And whilst they 're sailing across this little lake there in the evening a sudden storm blows up , now in the version of the bible that I 'm reading from it says there that , er that is was a fierce storm , other versions will er , give different e , different expressions , it was a fierce , sorry , a fierce gale of wind .
3 Was it generally thought of then er that is being in debt , was it generally thought of as being something that was evil or
4 We ha we have to look at the environmental consequences , you stick a barrage that size across erm a large er river system you 've got to ask what happens upstream erm and of course Bristol for example is a port , how to get the ships in and out is another problem but er these are being considered at the moment and there 's quite a lot of mo money going into , into studies but no commitment yet as to actually , to actually build it .
5 There 's a corollary to th that was is our impression , from the various views that were sp s spelt out around the table .
6 Well that was p that 's was through the tube I suppose .
7 th this is been , in , this particular aspect of the work is , is , is being done by John who 's a solicitor .
8 Yes erm now on erm Tuesday as I say we 've got five open races actually Peter , five open races on Tuesday , but erm one of the best erm things that happened to us is that the Pall Mall which is the biggest event erm in erm March , erm that 's being sponsored now by one of the track bookmakers called Max Thomas and the best thing about it is that erm he is erm putting in so much prize money with the major the supporting opens on our gala night , that erm there 's not a race worth in the open race , there 's not worth less than two hundred and erm there 's three races worth five hundred pounds each to the winner and the big race is worth five thousand so that 's an early erm plug for to keep in your diary , like the Pall Mall which is March the twenty third .
9 We when we have , when we have done , I mean tha that 's is n't a a charge to you .
10 No , no , erm this is being done at the University of Surrey .
11 Can you remember th that was reall that 's was god awful that was .
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