Example sentences of "[unc] [pers pn] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Now if y I mean if you do it you do it and that 's it 's up to you , but because nobody else will look at it .
2 Erm y I mean if you read er or somebody suggested that to you you might
3 And he said it wa I reckon if they do n't fix this weekend it 's going to be next year , early next year .
4 Erm w I mean where they do n't work when somebody offers code and they do n't work , there 's not a lot you can do other than sort of make some informed guesses as to what might be going wrong .
5 I think w I think when it comes down to s durability they 're all
6 My first meeting with was e a I doubt whether he actually remembers er but it was actually on an Inter City , I do n't know whether he does remember , on an Inter City back from London erm three or four years ago when h he also tried to get me to join the Labour Party if I remember rightly .
7 off the skin er these ones a you know as well as helping you to sleep ,
8 Cos that 's the only trouble is with black it never looks er ca you know unless it 's shining it do n't look nice does it ?
9 Er anyway as I say er I realized when I 'd started talking er that I was digging a bigger and bigger hole for myself so I er I climbed out of it and and made an exit .
10 The reason I 'm asking you about that is erm I had er I had when I had my own business I was approached and we 've got an estate agent in the Hamilton called
11 It had n't er I went when it opened .
12 Well er I went when I was when I went first went and do you know I went into the to the place and do you know I run away from the place .
13 I I mean er I doubt whether we 'll we 'll have a full slate in February anyway so I mean they 'll probably be the option for people to come in later and we 'll probably end up co-opting people later and er I think we should
14 Er I doubt if I , I doubt if I 'll see Granville before Friday .
15 Put the carpets , put everything in and er and we paid for it and they still go ad now course the national union 's taken it over but when we joined the national union there were two things that er I stipulated before we 'd join .
16 And also someone like him because I mean , I mean er obviously he , he seemed like a , I mean I 'm sure he 's a nice guy er I mean when it comes down to it he probably is a nice guy , he 's probably nice to her but it 's just the fact that he is so restricted in his views and
17 th you er I mean if it were very heavy you 'd almost sort of be prepared for it to go , but you know when you 're s s standing with a , something quite light , and you might have been standing with it a little while in your hand , and then suddenly the hand goes and ca n't you see that 's ve that 's very upsetting , it makes you not very confident .
18 Er I mean if a particular group 's promoting a product which we 're already using , then I might switch investment to that product if there 's a big discount .
19 So er I mean if you , if you , you know , if you do feel you 're looking better I mean you look , you know
20 It was well I did n't see much sense in that either but er I mean if they were eating on the j er eating on the job did n't give you a break at all .
21 Erm and I have to say that er I mean if if if for example this was to Well assuming we had H two policy then would n't you expect to make some cross-reference here to your ei policy M eight in your approved structure plan ?
22 Erm er I mean if you go back to 's view , i it is , it 's legitimate for the , for the masses to commit excesses , it 's not legitimate for the Party to promote them .
23 I think p maybe Philip it would be best if y er I mean if you 've got somebody up your sleeve who
24 Er I mean if I if I try and cover it with one of our professional salesmen ,
25 Er I mean if he were responsive and would work and would try things for himself but it , it 's , it 's like hacking at concrete with a knife .
26 because obviously er I mean if you 're in
27 So er I mean if it turned out to be twelve weeks work .
28 Not until er I mean if you do ge
29 Well I do n't expect they will , but er I mean if a number of them were interested enough , I mean people are away on holiday at that time , but , if we thought , if we got the response we could , what do you think ?
30 I did say to him once that er I said if you do n't want that ivy I said you chuck it out , chop it down and throw it over my side cos it 's my responsibility
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