Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] did not " in BNC.

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1 And they bought er players did n't they ?
2 It was subsequently noticed that the corresponding Corporation cars and the ex-Gravesend cars which ran on Brill 22E bogies did not suffer from so many derailments , even though the bogies of the latter were reversed .
3 It said that PW 's independence was compromised by BCCI loans to partnerships in Panama and Barbados , and that from 1987 onwards the firm had ‘ ample reason ’ to believe that BCCI 's accounts did not give a true and fair view of its financial situation .
4 Freddie 's talents did not lie in that direction .
5 He had meant to ask his research assistant to sketch something out for him on ‘ A Woman 's Place ’ or some such subject , but the silly girl 's talents did not encompass putting pen to paper .
6 The gentlemen 's titles did not appear on the hand-painted signs at the foot of the staircase ; in certain other Oxford colleges such practices were countenanced ; not , Mr Bullins thought proudly , in Magdalen , which , in his opinion , was not only the most beautiful college in Oxford but also the only one of any consequence .
7 Childebert I and Chlothar I ensured that Chlodomer 's sons did not succeed their father , and they tried hard to exclude Theudebert I from the throne .
8 The Builder had an editorial on 19th February which contained extracts from a letter from Scott reasserting that his design was better lit , as convenient and no more expensive than a classical design , and it commented that Scott 's opponents did not understand that he was not intending to reproduce old forms rigidly and he was only willing to introduce ‘ the refinements and inventions of our own day ’ .
9 But the victories of the court 's opponents did not endure for long .
10 He also expressed confidence that US aid would be resumed " within a few months " , claiming that the suspension had been due to the disproportionate influence exercised in the US Congress by the extreme right-wing Republican Senator Jesse Helms , but that Helms 's views did not represent those of the administration .
11 Well it was a good idea in as much as it returned to the people 's wishes did n't it ?
12 D'Arcy 's eyes did n't move from the girl .
13 The numbers changed quickly and Kiah 's eyes did n't move .
14 ‘ And this , ’ Donal added in obvious amusement when Feargal 's eyes did n't once waver from his companion , ‘ is Ellie ! ’
15 You could n't … 'Woodruffe struck a light , but Lambert 's eyes did n't see it , and the flame burned itself out .
16 The girl 's eyes did not at first stray in my direction so I was able in safety to look at her , to examine her , for quite some time .
17 The man 's eyes did not open , but Bodie leaned back and watched the activity of the fingers .
18 But Leon Kennedy 's eyes did not hold humiliation , only the assembling of a special hatred .
19 The man 's eyes did not blink .
20 In the busy , noisy restaurant men 's eyes did not follow Tildy .
21 In the busy , noisy restaurant men 's eyes did not follow Tildy .
22 The mercenary leader 's eyes did not leave Ratagan 's .
23 Dr Evans had made several visits as well , and was able to report that the damage to Faye 's eyes did not seem to be worsening .
24 The blind man 's eyes did not let you into his mind ; they were the eyes of a doll or a toy animal .
25 Will 's sister Joan was married and had a little boy , but Will 's brothers did n't have any children .
26 Last week 's report for the Justice Department acknowledges that the F B I 's tactics did n't work .
27 I told him that the Owsla 's privileges did n't mean all that much to me in any case and that a strong rabbit could always do just as well by leaving the warren .
28 Susan 's knees did n't work properly yet .
29 In Ponthieu the seneschal 's functions did not differ substantially from those or the seneschal of Gascony .
30 Alice 's parents did n't know about toxic shock , and the fact it could be related to using a tampon , but also the parents of some other children , other women did n't know either .
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