Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] was [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The main focus of the council 's activities was to redevelop neighbourhood housing for market rent and to this end the EACC had become involved in commercial and residential development .
2 The main thrust of Green 's proposals was to modify the 1932 arrangements so that , as originally intended , a balanced committee would be established .
3 The other ally whom Gloucester gained as a result of Edward IV 's policies was to prove an altogether more dubious asset .
4 The other ally whom Gloucester gained as a result of Edward IV 's policies was to prove an altogether more dubious asset .
5 Towards the end of the eighteenth century both pewter and pure tin — natural or silvered — were also being used , though the nobility appear to have remained loyal to brass , it being more convenient for the engraver to work , especially if one 's coat-of-arms was to appear on it .
6 One of Sea Rover 's methods was to lie outside territorial limits selling huge quantities of cannabis " by appointment " to smaller coasting craft .
7 A favourite comparison among the book 's enthusiasts was to see in Uncle Tom a ‘ Christ figure ’ .
8 One of the Mamur Zapt 's duties was to read the press before publication and excise any passage he considered inflammatory .
9 One of Drummond 's concerns was to make interval talks of concert and opera broadcasts relate to the programme itself , so that in the intervals of Carmen you might hear somebody talking about Carmen .
10 One of Lyon 's responsibilities was to ensure that the cantor , who led the singing on behalf of the congregation , was fit for the job .
11 The eastern solution to Germany 's problems was to create an area of unified language , unified identity , unified wealth and settlement , a bulwark against the barbarism and poverty of the Poles .
12 This ‘ Final Solution ’ of Germany 's problems was to harness German industrial power to a regressive , atavistic and murderous renewal of the drive to the east under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party .
13 So the main thrust of all one 's efforts was to try and save the company as a corporate entity and secure the interests of the employees , the shareholders and the banks .
14 Peter tried to rouse his countrymen from their aboriginal stupor and turn them into Europeans ; but a Russian is n't and ca n't be a German or a Frenchman , and the result of Peter 's efforts was to produce an educated class who ca n't be Russians either .
15 But one of Charles 's achievements was to ensure that all his children who reached adulthood , male or female , could at least sign their names ; his daughter Elizabeth had produced a most business-like signature at her marriage in 1802 and , here at All Hallows , Benjamin signed with a flourish , above the rather more demure attempt of his new wife .
16 One of Einstein 's insights was to infer that because mass generalizes to mass/energy in SR it must be this mass/energy that causes the curvature of space–time .
17 Like all royal children his chief function in his parents ' eyes was to undertake the role of a pawn in the diplomatic game .
18 Their response to Jesus ' words was to despair : ‘ If this is the situation between a husband and wife , it is better not to marry . ’
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