Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 So erm what I 'm trying to say here then is that the federal government is important , the federal government tries wherever possible to guide states into , into good practice and it offers rewards to states to comply with , with federal er guidelines so that , you know , if you want federal aid for er a particular project you have to , if you accept federal money , you have to ensure that you meet certain standards or certain conditions , but a very convenient way of enforcing civil rights er policies .
2 erm , and er , sometimes even pleased to say well I 'll try to get you in purple , but er , nowadays erm , we , we do n't go in for that because there 's , there 's so many er shops now that selling lighting fittings erm and selling nothing else , there is n't one actually in Harlow , but there 's one in Epping and there 's one in Stortford , erm that er , it 's , it 's riding a new car people want to see er a good variety of them , have a look at a lot or a washing machine or anything like that , you want to see many before you buy one .
3 the er sweets and er chocolates etcetera that er we received , erm I think we in fact er , erm yeah well I , we obviously appreciate them very much because er they were something that we a lot of and erm I know that er , that you must know that when you er were out in Ipswich , Framlingham or around about that er you met up a group , there was a group of children and I 'm sure you heard the er familiar up , chum .
4 It is further intended to change people 's attitudes so that they drive more smoothly and are aware of the kind of roads that they are using and drive at speeds tailored to fit the environment .
5 I particularly wanted to know Sir Alec 's views now that British Rail had submitted a scaled-down plan .
6 The Workbooks mirror the Student 's Books so that for every Student 's Book unit , there is a parallel page of Workbook exercises .
7 The only humane population programme is one that expands people 's opportunities so that large families are no longer necessary for survival .
8 But in the 1950s the first wave of modern consumerism transformed people 's lifestyles so that they came to expect it to be right and natural that they should have consumer durables ( and increasingly non-durable goods ) .
9 When returning the draft Contract to me duly signed will you let me have a cheque in favour of Messrs. Stanley Tee & Co. for £2,600 the 5% deposit and I will place this on deposit with my firm 's bankers so that it does not lose you interest , so there should be no delay in exchanging contracts once you have received the insurance company 's acceptance of your life proposals .
10 He even put his hands in Oliver 's pockets so that Oliver would not have to empty them himself when he went to bed .
11 A guessing game goes on with the diviner responding to the client 's cues so that at the end of the consultation , the client departs with all his worst suspicions amply confirmed .
12 In discussions with the child it is often possible to plan a course of work to meet the individual 's needs so that the learning process is negotiated rather than dictated .
13 develop other people 's ideas so that they are improved
14 The work involves the legal processes of obtaining probate of wills and the winding up of a deceased person 's affairs so that the wishes expressed in those wills may be carried out .
15 Devlin tossed the beer in his face and upended the table against him , the edge catching the German 's shins so that he staggered forward .
16 Crossing again to the fireplace , I gazed at it with awe , and had I been of a religious bent I would have fallen on my knees and prayed that the water would meet Nigel 's requirements so that on winter evenings , when we were doing our Darby and Joan bit , we could sit and worship the spirit of the fire , the hearth , the very essence of our home .
17 Quite rightly , once we have won the battle to raise everyone 's standards so that we all have the same high levels , we can have a single market .
18 My real aims were to get through to John and to keep him alive in people 's minds so that he could n't be forgotten .
19 From fairly early times many efforts were made to improve the courses of Britain 's rivers so that boats could travel with fewer interruptions and greater safety .
20 Then the sun put forth all his power ; he blazed and scorched , he struck down upon the princess 's soldiers so that their helmets turned to molten brass on their heads , and their swords melted like candles in their hands .
21 The staff dress them in a suspect 's clothes so that they can match up bloodstains or slashes . "
22 And in the end they came to Barbara 's conclusions so that its a an expensive thing .
23 The athlete has told the court that the Evans ' marriage was completely over before she became involved , but Mrs Evans said she had no right to comment , since she was an adulteress , she added that Ms Sanderson is going around schools parading before children : ‘ If there 's any of the children 's fathers there that she fancies , will she take them ’ , she asked .
24 What they did at a branch on our district erm , again it was just like set up , people were given specific tasks , but at the end of the three month cycle , they 'd change some people , er , those people 's tasks so that they , so they would n't get stagnant , and plus , if one person was off , if you happened to be on holiday , you 've got somebody else that can do the job at the standard and not let the standard fall .
25 Madam Speaker , this announcement is now almost a year delayed the firm of Coopers and Lybrand have been paid one point six million pounds to come up with this ass access charging fiasco , surely this house in entitled to the , as entitled as the press to a full statement of the government 's intentions so that they can be answered by .
26 Rover bought Brayman 's shares so that they could have total control .
27 Yours members should already be aware of the Committee 's recommendations so that they too can lobby MPs and Government contracts , in advance of the Select Committee 's proceedings .
28 George Bush calls the Iraqi missile attacks on Israel ‘ outrageous ’ while exalting the prowess of those who have thrown double the explosive power of the Hiroshima Bomb on Baghdad , not to liberate Kuwait , but to control the oil , and remind all Arab peoples that no one can defy the American will to become the world 's policemen now that the Soviet Union is not to be counted for as an opponent .
29 Though the unit had long since given up any pretence of cooling the room , it did turn out to have a curious talent for magnifying the pigeons ' footfalls so that their tap dance rang out like a drum-roll at six every morning .
30 If complete public openness is the policy , it might have been expected that the public would have free access to governors ' meetings so that they could hear the arguments for policy and resource allocations within the school .
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