Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Er the A sixty one , it varies whether you 're looking at the A sixty one south or the A sixty one north as to what percentage and what flow er is through traffic and also between which e elements or which radials we 're talking about because there 's A sixty one to A sixty one , there 's also A sixty one to A fifty nine which is also through traffic .
2 Absolutely best of all , USAF Upper Heyford grounds its F111 jets while you glide silently around the edges of their field .
3 While they 're standing e problems while they 're standing empty and
4 inter interfaces or something .
5 Transfer the F1 adults that you have just bred to new tubes containing flour-yeast mixture .
6 By using the 400dpi engines as their new output device , LaserMaster have now upped the resolution to 1,000 by 400 and the output is significantly better .
7 Erm so it 's in terms of erm er , careful logical field work erm there 's not a great deal of information , but there 's , th , there have been early anatomical historical er investigations and there is something a literature erm dating from early in the nineteenth century which and it shows you the bloke who also resolves to , to , to make comparisons with what she found .
8 It 's all collected into , into plastic er cans and you do n't use gallons of it , you , you used enough to clean yourself off , and that 's collected and then disposed of er under advice and help from the disposal , waste disposal people .
9 A survey it 's a at the college you know , and er and they did er carnations and I 've done , the chrysanths about growing them .
10 like I want er insides when they work in the studios , outsides when they go like
11 There 's a lot of stuff in newspapers about you know erm er investments and what you can do with your money and get the P E P with one and a half percent discount , and all the rest of it .
12 The it comes straight from the coa from the er mines and it 's it 's sent through chutes on these merry-go-round railways that go slow and they stop over this and then it 's all pulverized with heavy steel balls into powder and coal and into the furnaces it 's just blown in .
13 We are having , we , we are at the moment reviewing all our traffic calming er requests because there are a whole load of them and in fact some of them we 've not been able to proceed as quickly as others so we , we need to look at the whole thing
14 You 've got er animals and you grow wheat .
15 And erm we wo n't have time to go through all of these afterwards , but if I hand a few round to you , what I 'd like you to do is er just have a go and jot down some of the er solutions that you would provide .
16 Just near er M forty two there 's a lot of er roadworks and there were a
17 But it 's rather surprising that is n't it cos er a a lot of these er songs that you sing actually came from America .
18 When you have some er parties or something like that .
19 Yes I put out an appeal to er my readers to search their attics and their er lofts and their garden sheds for all the things they might have left over from the second World War .
20 Erm well slightly different in the fact that er we er have two close schemes with far more er beneficiaries than there are er subscribing members , and at the moment that are four nominated by the er employer and four by the unions er we wish to say a pensioner erm that the rights were a pensioner nominee to that board of trustees , because we feel that er the situation is er is going to increase , we 've got so many beneficiaries and that the pensioners have no representative er I know that erm people on the boards of trustees are completely impartial , but on the other hand there is no pensioner there , the members are unsure of the fund , because of what 's been said , not that I 'm implying it 's not a secure fund , it is a secure fund , but they think why are they keeping the pensioners off , they there is some sort of hidden agenda they will not have us on there because neither of the businesses although we have tried for several years er they will not entertain at the moment erm a pensioner trustee , and yet Professor Good in his report acknowledges the merit of pensioner nominated trustees , er particularly in the sort of schemes where we 've got , wh where th the majority of beneficiaries .
21 Y oh yes it gave us advantage to the extent that we 'd someone b behind us to fight for any , any er grievances that we had .
22 I 'm , I , I noticed er Ricky , they were coming across I was er washing the erm venetian blinds up in the er er bedrooms and he came out with his young lady and er they came down ac across the grass and he was in front , and he jumped over the fence at the bottom , and she this little , and she was ha was having to climb and she was stuck th like that , and he looked back and thought she , he , she was with him and when he s and er he went back , but he went back , and I thought to myself oh like a gentleman , and lifted her over .
23 Nonetheless , stateless justice was underwritten by the state 's justice with which it coexisted ; and the officers of state justice , for economy of control and to avoid conflict within the force , encouraged groups to make their ad hoc settlements when they could .
24 I know , everyone was just going then erm I told my m my er parents and my parents said to me go and tell your house master so I told
25 One was to erm reimburse them for er errors that we feel that er , we could have avoided .
26 Now the audit industry was in favour of that at the time because it saw itself as able to get its fingers into local authority audit so they were prepared to accept that they could do it then , it 's only now er when it 's proposed on what 's been their traditional prerogatives , they er er they audit of banks and private sector er er companies that they balk at the proposition and say ooh it 's horrendous we ca n't do it .
27 Erm , if you want to know how a advisers are paid , erm you know then I er would explain that under the terms and conditions of er 's business , we 're actually paid erm a salary by , and er I obviou obviously get er you know a car to get about in etcetera , but the , the , when we place business er the er commissions that we get , generate are paid to , they go down to head office in Bournemouth , they 're then used to give us our er our you know returns , advances and what have you .
28 The point about er relaxations and what impact it would have on its combat capability .
29 Erm there is then a case for that policy to be covered in the structure plan and of course in local plans and at the local plan stage there is an opportunity for councils to er interpret the structure plan policy to add er exceptions if they so wish and for those to be tested at a local plan enquiry .
30 Similar exercises have been undertaken by other er governments and there 's a tremendous contrast with the way those governments have actually sought to do this , with our own government , erm no publicity whatsoever has appeared yet and again I offer the minister the chance to tell us at some later point , what the government is prepared to do to exert itself on this matter and to tell us indeed whether it wants people to register erm it is n't particularly clear whether in fact this is part of er some idea that the government has that people should n't register and I think that the minister needs to be very clear about this so that people get the message outside , because nine and a half million people did n't vote , even in the last general election .
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