Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] for [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 My general point is that we 're talking about er freedom for anybody to go if they want , these people are trying to stop the freedom of the paying public .
2 You do n't want to keep anybody else er er space for everybody if they want to try .
3 There was the big concourse , but that was the general er walkway for everyone .
4 That had been Emma 's remedy for everything .
5 The visual comedy of the episode is obvious , but in discourse terms Anderson is faced with a serious public loss of positive face ( Brown and Levinson 's term for one 's desire to have one 's wants and conduct approved of by others ) if he is unable to produce a question which appears intelligent and serious , and he is thus under considerable pressure as he speaks .
6 Grimma ran the length of a story about somebody slamming somebody 's plan for something .
7 The National Hockey Centre 's being built near the city centre and Britain 's coach for one is happy that Milton Keynes is to become hockey 's equivalent of Lord 's and Twickenham .
8 A day at the centre 's fun for everyone but most important are the results which prove that play therapy is no soft option .
9 This lavish book provides us with a full-colour holiday brochure ; a ‘ sightseer 's guide for anyone journeying through this brave new world ’ .
10 The poem is rich in language , vivid in imagery , mysterious and enchanting in its overall effect and uses to its best advantage various language features to evoke an atmosphere of grandeur and magnificence conveying the author 's passion for something which would otherwise remain a mere vehicle to the reader .
11 Young Whizzquid and his City friends can not be expected to toil on Aunt Agatha 's behalf for nothing , and the spread between offer prices and bid — between what she puts in and what she could take out five minutes later — is around 6% .
12 At all events , John was singularly successful in the long run at turning his back on everything that smacked of Anglicanism ; he alone of all the Titford brothers managed to cold-shoulder St John 's church for everything except his marriage .
13 erm but erm it 's terribly difficult to balance , you know , one 's care for someone like that , and other people like that , with the needs of people who want to use the church to pray in and the churchyard to visit graves etc. etc .
14 If Dave is looking over Andy 's shoulder for someone more influential to talk to , then his sub-text is ‘ I 'm being cursorily polite until I see someone better . ’
15 ‘ A Year 's Pay for Nothing , ’ read the headline .
16 On the contrary , he maintains that such a study might well lead to the extension of one 's regard for one 's own religion to other religions , and at the same time , provide a better understanding of one 's own faith .
17 Now my opinion if any I would say do n't sleep round James 's house for one .
18 OK , Silas — I have n't worked in an accountant 's office for nothing .
19 and , you know , once you start into , into that er scenario yo yo yo you , you , you ca n't very very little erm opportunity for anything because all you can do is , is to say what do we do now , never mind what we could , should or might have done then , what do we do now because the future is that way and the past is
20 This is n't called Otters ' Bay for nothing .
21 That 's right , yes , and we still do one , perhaps two , concerts a year in Brighton at the Festival , but then we were able to develop from there , which has been a tremendous erm thrill for everybody .
22 It 's a physical game and erm i it seems to me that er people should er develop their brain a little more and play games er which have more i interest for everyone , not just the people who like a good shout !
23 She would pay me 10 per cent commission for everything I sold .
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