Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Much of the e well hang on a moment .
2 I do not speak of the substance of the matter because so many of us have some doubts about the substance of it and we shall come to that later , but erm it does seem to me that er we had to get rid of erm sections two , two A and three of the Police Act nineteen sixty four as amended and that clearly doing so here and erm er er I I think that this is an improvement as a result on the laws that er present appears on the Statute Book .
3 It is erm alleged , it is to be alleged as I understand it by the er defendant relying on Mr opinion that the business would have failed in any event er because of the plaintiff 's general lack of experience in this trade and what is described as a lack of financial expertise or caution er to which the availability of extra money as envisaged in the original proposal , would have made absolutely no difference .
4 About 5.5 million public-sector employees have had a 1.5pc ceiling imposed on pay awards by the Government , but it is thought lower interest-rates may have encouraged people to spend .
5 No it is n't ante A N T E ante post betting on a race
6 This , this sounds very much like some , er organisation based on the establishment to me that 's what it sounds like which eh , were one would expect .
7 In their third year , honours students also write a 10,000-word dissertation based on supervised research on a subject of their choice .
8 of things that er fellow had on
9 In Hahn 's final 1,600-page report published on Sept. 13 , Bradley was cleared of criminal wrongdoing but criticized for poor judgment in private financial dealings .
10 It 's all the er fat floating on top !
11 He took out the torn fragment with ‘ BORVEL NEM AKT printed on it and showed it to Vic .
12 The HS5 label indicated on the right is leftover signal from the previous panel .
13 Mr. Steed 's defence served on 16 April 1987 pleaded that the transfer was forged .
14 Core 's defence relied on the claim that the materials were for artistic purposes , a defence recognised in British law .
15 Laming 's defence hinged on his claims that Black was the backer for his plan to undermine racecourse betting and bookmaking in Britain with the stun gun device .
16 Undoubtedly there are sound bases for the statements — considering the public 's apprehension about automation and the taxpayer 's money spent on SCAMP .
17 But secured creditors may not be too happy to see GE 's money spent on unsecured creditors while they lose control of the firm 's smart new jets .
18 For most Whigs , it was axiomatic that resistance had taken place at the Revolution ; the logic of their position at Sacheverell 's trial rested on this basic belief .
19 On the far side of Farringdon Road , Graham passed Easton Street where another painter 's or window-cleaner 's cradle lay on the pavement , up-ended for some reason , neat coils of rope around it .
20 An oval mirror , pock-marked and fly-stained , was set in the top of this extravagant and monstrous contraption and next to it stood a hollow elephant 's foot mounted on a wooden base .
21 As Seawitch rolled heavily Polly 's foot slipped on the wet deck and she stumbled backwards , pulling Nathan with her .
22 Since the profession 's livelihood depended on the public having confidence in its members ' integrity and professional ability , he warned , those who did break the rules would be dealt with swiftly , effectively and fairly .
23 Martin Wood 's course begins on 1 November , running six consecutive Wednesdays at the Greenbank Centre , Eaton Road , Chester , Cheshire , from 6.30pm .
24 Was the rule in Pinnel 's Case binding on the House of Lords ?
25 The applicant 's case depends on the evidence and opinions of Miss Massiter …
26 Pleming said the government 's case rested on the plan to take topsoil from Oxleas Wood to nearby Woodlands Farm and plant trees there .
27 Nozick 's case rests on the view that so long as one is not acting for the reason that one 's action will favour one of the parties or hinder the other , but for a valid independent reason , then one 's neutrality is intact .
28 Simkin 's case rests on his proposed association of coprolalia , palilalia , and echolalia with alleged examples of facial and bodily motor tics , which occurred during Mozart 's adult life .
29 FoE 's case rests on the fact that levels are above the standards laid down by the European Commission .
30 FOE 's case hinges on the " undertakings " made by water suppliers as part of the privatization process , under which the government allowed them a period of grace in which to bring water quality up to legal minimum standards .
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