Example sentences of "[unc] we [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I want to see the er possibility of British Rail being able to say , well you know we could improve our act , we could do things differently , and er we we wou we have experience of running a railway , and therefore , you know , please let us bid .
2 Because he would have told you I hope that er we sell advertising space into , well you 've seen some samples over there .
3 Ooh , various methods , er at the moment , we , there 's just solely six of us throughout the whole country , that er work on appeals , er we raise money through various means er from flag days in the street to major fund raising efforts , er and events that we organise er round the country .
4 And then we er we left school and then we went to work for to w we went to look for work .
5 rents , er we 've no er we 've lease to pay back have we or owt like that ?
6 Well , we enjoyed that outing , er we had tea on the roof , which was all glass , never seen anything like it before and I sha n't see it again since it got burnt down anyway .
7 and erm we u had a boat on the Nile and the police came with us on camels and another barge with the servants and er so on the way er we made marmalade and all sorts of things to fill in time .
8 This is the erm er we start bonus payments at four thousand pound on postal wallets
9 Er we appear sort of miraculously to have got round all the other ones , er
10 Er now these are more important asked about so I think we should be very clear on it before er we reduce spending .
11 We used t er we used whistle , we used to blow this whistle and tell him what material we wanted , do you see ?
12 At McDonald 's we believe food should do you good as well as taste good .
13 If unc we write Sf for the set{ sf : s ε S } and call this set the image of S under f .
14 Assuming for the moment that unc we give Proof of Theorem 1.4.5 Let S be the set of all non-negative integers belonging
15 Choosing unc we find Equation ( 13 ) to be , in this case , unc with the spectral matrix ( on the right ) in the standard canonical form for a defective matrix .
16 Denoting the elements of unc we define sum and product unambiguously by unc and unc where , using 1.4.5 , x + y = unc and unc with unc and where unc and
17 I had three a year and of course in between times you go we had quarter fare if we want to go anywhere , you see and er of course it was the old money in those days and I would come from Ipswich to see my parents here for sixpence halfpenny then and er , you see , I used to go on holiday alone .
18 W we tried internment before , it caused a massive escalation of violence cos you never , you get families are angry , it escalates the numbers who are committed to terrorism , last time it was just the Republicans , if we did it on both sides it would just escalate terrorism .
19 So we re we revamped Neighbourhood Watch , and what we did was er is er instead of going to everyone 's house we have this meeting at the beginning just to discuss crime prevention and er tell people what Neighbourhood Watch is about .
20 Yes , erm we began work in earnest in the beginning of the New Year .
21 We co we were horrified with erm we got thing through the door like erm this one was like a survey thing saying they wanted to , you know er the cricket amongst others they wan na put a Tesco 's superstore there .
22 Very , very little really , erm we had contact with other Authorities of course , in the course , in erm er particularly in connection with evacuation , erm evacuation took up erm quite a lot of staff and , and time at that er particularly initially because erm Suffolk was in a peculiar position or at least the East Suffolk was , erm at the beginning of the war of course erm East Suffolk was an evacuation , er was erm a reception area
23 erm we had mention of
24 Well we we 're going round Conways we sa , we 'd gone into a pub for erm we had sort of granary baps did n't we ?
25 Fucking miss erm We missed Carrot , Carrot was on last night were n't it ?
26 And erm we did driftwood sculpture some folk did monster outside the door .
27 Arriving there at ll.3Oam we had time for a browse around before our Ploughman 's lunch , after which we watched a delightful display of flying owls .
28 If z is not free in P* we make use of
29 Where-ur we takin' hum own-yway ? ’
30 We we 've sort of planned things for every day , for the week leading up to Christmas
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