Example sentences of "[unc] i [vb base] a " in BNC.

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1 I wa I want a cup of tea I 'm fucking Right , no , I know it 's there , I know it 's there 's because he 's got in
2 I want an org I want a bloody proper organ .
3 Erm well is there a lot of erm I w I want a clue now .
4 Erm I mean as it is I I can get photocopying for four P a sheet getting fifty at a time , and that give I get a receipt for that which is better than three P a sheet without a receipt .
5 So you know I mean I su I suppose a lo the questionnaire seemed to concentrate very much on how you were outside work .
6 Er I remember a debate , they 'd two debates , there was one on the Market Square and there was one at the Cosmo , between the Black Shirts er and of course the Cosmo platform was open to anybody , did n't matter who they were , any shade of opinion .
7 Yes er I remember a chap at the depot doing the Spanish Civil War er wh th there was a movement going round collecting food for the , or money for food for the children of Spain .
8 Erm the er most important item I think Chairman is the work programme for the future year which commences at erm about twelve and forms the second half of the report and I would be very happy to deal with any questions and it is very clearly in the light of things that we 've already said , the first part of er that latter half of the report er which er emphasises the erm principal activities er to the department er that of strategic policy in paragraphs thirteen one , thirteen two and thirteen three are therefore perhaps the areas to which I would er draw you attention er most , but the report as whole is er I hope a reasonably succinct summary of what has gone on or what is proposed to be done and er in order to avoid simply what is already in the report , I , I would leave it at that point and say I 'm happy to deal with any questions .
9 No the , we 're moving about a bit now , there 'll be an element of long-line but there is er I know a lot of ladies will be relieved to know , there is a shorter length coming back in .
10 Because er I mean a lot of children these days , I think about my parents , it 's their money , they spend it , and I do n't really see that it 's important for it to be passed on to us , but in the case of a large estate , it becomes more important , if you 're looking at sort of two hundred three hundred thousand estate , then there 's going to be a lot of erm er asset value which would be taxable .
11 Now you might think well stags have harem groups and they 've got these enormous antlers and they could bully and er I mean a harem group looks kind of fascist kind of social structure you know when a male dominates female , but in fact field observations of how stags actually deal with their females show that they 're very tender erm towards them and they have to have the cooperation of the female in order to mount .
12 Er I have a great sympathy for for that lady .
13 Er I have a love of country , I know I 'm er English , I do n't like to say I 'm British , I live and was born in England .
14 and er I have a real problem with using my left hand .
15 Er I 've been able just this week to set up a little er programme at er at work whereby er I have a list of all the newspapers and T Vs and radio stations on a file , and I can tap in a press release , press the button and it would fax them all one after the other , to the various interested bodies .
16 with a proper petition er and er I have a copy here if er you would like to c circulate it and er sign it .
17 Yeah but that 's only because I er I owe a grand in poll tax you see .
18 Er I feel a bit plagued my mouth ul ulcers for about three weeks now .
19 Er I do a plug the alb of the album Midnight Postcards we call it , I 'm plugging that now until Christmas , promoting that er on television and radio , and I er in between I go on a short holiday to Africa and then January I start Alfie until May , and then I think I 'm gon na do a T V movie or a movie in June July , and then in end of July I go to America for four four till the end of November with Alfie .
20 Er I suppose a tank , now , a round one , big thing .
21 Er you will all be aware I think that the budget has been running for some months and er I suppose a lot of you either as spokes persons or as members of groups have actually been dealing with the budget issues in some detail .
22 upsetting , he was stood on the was there , and he was stood on the corner and this er I suppose a couple of .
23 Indeed was er er I think a thorn in the flesh , to say the least .
24 Er I think a lot will depend .
25 But , er I think a golden rule must be , when you 're looking at financial er matters is er make sure you know who you 're dealing with .
26 Er I think a court of referees I think they called it .
27 The B one development take-up is er I think a result of the the market in terms of B one is an attractive position for speculators , a great deal of that land has not yet been developed .
28 Tt erm with the F P mailshot er I think a good question to ask would 've been why did you buy it , was there any reason behind it are you happy with it er when it came to referrals I mentioned the tennis club , something you could perhaps develop is , that 's interesting , which club is that
29 er I think a couple of things : first of all , the detail programme ; the government will have to produce for the forthcoming World Climate Conference in October/November , er the way in which they 're going to reach their target and secondly that will also discuss from amongst all the countries , what the target should be .
30 Hello er I need a solicitor , to act for me er if that 's possible please .
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