Example sentences of "[unc] [unc] [be] [be] " in BNC.

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1 From the upper echelons this seems to be a case for rationalisation but from below it seems that their raison d'être is being removed with the closure of schools , bus services , etc .
2 If I can then turn to er some of the issues that were w w w were were raised this morning , York and others , and other other others in their submission laid great store on P P G thirteen .
3 Tory councillors here are angry that a member of Sinn Fein is being allowed a platform in the city — they say the move is highly offensive to everyone in Glasgow .
4 Fromage frais is is perfect for me , so there .
5 Die Entführung was being performed all over Austria and Germany , and , according to Leopold , the Berlin papers were advertising the new quartets , saying that Mozart 's name alone was sufficient to recommend them to the public : no other guarantee of quality was needed .
6 An additional £200,000 per annum is being sought but the Gallery needs £550,000 to cover its costs fully .
7 By early January 1945 , observers in the Stuttgart area were pointing out that Mein Kampf was being — rather belatedly — cited to prove that Germany had itself to blame for the war , that Hitler 's expansionist aims which he had laid down twenty years earlier were the cause of the war , and that it was therefore clear that ‘ the Führer has worked for war from the very beginning ’ .
8 We also found that in the South East of England ( including Greater London ) , where the density of IT employers is very high , DP staff turnover levels as high as 40 per cent were being recorded in 1986,6 compared to ( only ! ) 25 per cent in the previous year ( quoted in Computing , 30/10/86 ) .
9 Bush made his statement after receiving a CIA report in mid-February , which had informed him that Israeli claims that under 1 per cent of Soviet immigrants were being settled in the " occupied territories " was only partly true , because a further 10 per cent were being placed in settlements in East Jerusalem .
10 Anything between 30 per cent and 60 per cent was being cut from the price of holidays .
11 By nineteen ninety-one sixty-one per cent was being carried on the roads with just seven per cent going by rail — part of the continuing trend of freight away from rail to road .
12 The two bodies were taken away to Cheltenham General Hospital where a post mortem is being carried out .
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