Example sentences of "[unc] [adv] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it 's chea effectively it 's cheaper to live over there .
2 If someone a obviously it 's it 's what I 'm asking is hypothetical anyway because I mean the flats are coming down so no one new can move in , but say you actually if if it was possible for other people to move into these flats and you knew someone and they said erm , You know I 'm thinking of moving into Green flats , what would you say ?
3 Erm e mainly it 's where do I put the emphasis .
4 So there 's not really cold call well it 's cold
5 With the temperature at -15°C maybe it is no bad thing to run them slowly .
6 a actually it is like that stuff .
7 It 's a actually it 's
8 Okay er right it 's one twenty seven B B C Radio York the station that 's first for travel .
9 You 're left with H two O er so it 's
10 Er so it 's all , all frightfully open-ended , and flexible and so on and
11 Er so it 's a moveable index .
12 Er so it 's at the remit of this Committee to decide who can go to the conference .
13 Erm we we have actually got data to prove that actually as well in our phase one surveys er so it 's not just as a general statement .
14 Er so it 's just just on the M seventy four .
15 And er so it 's important to get information about those interview calls .
16 Er so it 's very very difficult .
17 erm and yeah , er but that was his speciality er so it 's so of that four hundred and sixty million er a hundred million odd er just over a hundred million has been recovered , but unfortunately we still have three hundred and eighty million of liabilities erm that is due in part to the fact that with low interest rates really the liability value has increased .
18 Er so it 's er
19 Er so it 's mainly erm what I 've just been telling you about cleaning all
20 It is a largish wasp , it is er in size between the common wasp and the hornet , and er so it 's fairly visible when it is around , but it does n't er normally nest in buildings , it nests in , in low trees and , and shrubs and bushes .
21 As you know arms control negotiations are incredibly detailed and rather arcane subjects , er so it 's a little tricky to see the wood for the trees in this one , but er arms control , obviously C F E — the Conventional Forces in Europe — er is very much an issue that will be on the table .
22 Er er so it 's difficult .
23 Er so it is a different role than the A fifty nine , it is a different er competing routes if you like , but nevertheless it 's still a key er l strategic link in the County Council 's or in the North Yorkshire 's highway network and has been identified as such , both in the structure plan er and also in er the transport policies and program document which is reviewed annually by the County Council .
24 Er so it is important to them .
25 Aye well we 've all spoken about it before and I mean yo When we were in hospital we spoke together about it and er obviously it 's it 's it 's something you that wo n't really be able to tell unless you give it try .
26 Now whether this is significant , er obviously it 's significant to people who live here er and who witness it , erm , er whether from a legal or highway point of view we are n't able to judge probably , er , does Mr Lingard or Mr Nun wish to show them
27 I I heard the other day what I thought was one of the best advertisements not to have an animal for Christmas very emotive , er I think it was for the R S P C A , and I I 'm told I do n't think you 've heard it but it b basically it 's it 's er the sound of a er well it 's a human pretending to be a dog really and saying you know , Well this is nice my my er family have taken me to the vet , I did n't think I was ill but never mind .
28 It 's hardly worth you having anything at all o obviously it 's out in n it ?
29 Er perhaps it is impossible to answer it in this forum but I think it remains an open question sir .
30 I think there 's been surprisingly little er perhaps it 's a slightly romantic notion , but I think it 's it 's got something to do with , you 're all enduring the same kind of misery together .
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