Example sentences of "[unc] [pron] is the " in BNC.

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1 Which a which is the P cup ?
2 I mean , wha what is the latest information on on H R T ?
3 These graduate from N36 to N5 which is the size of print found in the standard telephone directory ; the first books in the ‘ Ladybird ’ series of readers are in N36 print .
4 Er which is the case unfortunately in er some instances with animals , but it 's been as you know perhaps at the R S P C A shelter just down the road there at er , but it 's gone now to a happy home in Derbyshire .
5 The difference between them is I have to admit at this level , relatively marginal in terms of er which is the worst and which is the best between the three .
6 In fact erm we have clearly in terms of the of the southern bypass is in place er and and also the A one , er there are two other schemes we do have in place so in terms of doing travel times and seeing er which is the quickest route we have to some extent er Well we rely upon the traffic model .
7 Er medical practices er which is the company , erm do it slightly different than other er the other companies in for training .
8 Er I I think my honourable friend , if I followed him er is confusing two things , er because erm er what we , he was beginning by talking about er are what we will come to in the regulations er which is the right of citizens of other er member countries to vote in the country of which they 're not a citizen to vote .
9 and I second agenda and erm we ask for your attention to para three point four er which is the financial part of this budget really and it says that some contingencies in nursery schools should be increased , erm that it is actually allowed for in the later budget erm the tax payer budget will be .
10 There is going to be all forms of Jihad all over the world because there is a sacred element , there is an element erm of er which is the presence of a foreign non-Muslim force in the Holy Land ; this is a very explosive element .
11 As a result the vector is seen to rotate through an angle φ which is the separation in longitude between A and B. In general the rotation of a local vector when carried round a closed path on any two-dimensional surface is given by the expression which is easily checked for the route discussed .
12 The reason why we 're having to go to a higher figure now is there are two major areas of land , er one is the land behind the railway station , the British Rail land , and the other is the land at a a location called St Nicholas Field , a former household waste site , both of which we are taking steps to bring forward for development .
13 Well not as many , er there is the odd break in here and there but no one has had the sort of amount that I have erm
14 As far as the technical points are concerned er there is the question , which source of data should be used to quantify migration .
15 Well then er there is the documentation which is er entitled part B and part B which is also er contained in three files one , two and three , comprises what are essentially all the relevant documentary er evidence , which is arranged chronologically and events run , as your Lordship will see in due course , from approximately nineteen , mid nineteen eighty five through to the end of nineteen eighty six , beginning of nineteen eighty seven in the .
16 As well as regulation per se there is the problem of legal risk ( e.g. the House of Lords decision that swaps entered into by UK local authorities were unlawful ) .
17 Now at this stage er it is the plaintiff 's case that Mr er considered that this caused major financial problems , because the property at Frinton was simply not one that was open to him to offer as security , it was clear that the bank would now as he saw it , on the deal that he understood that he 'd struck and he knew that without the bank 's help he would not be able to er proceed with this purchase and operate he business in the way he had wished to .
18 The this problem with the detector , it 's another level of subcontracting down and er if you you 're buying a piece of equipment of this kind from a a consortium er essentially you ca n't dictate to him precisely who he 's going to use to supply the components for that system and er it is the problem came to the notice of officials when the consortium came forward and and said look , we we 've got these terms in our contract er concerning detection range and so on and er we may not be able to meet those , er so we questioned the reasons and then of course they revealed that they were having problems with the supplier .
19 Just to remind everyone that er it is the er property insurance inspector 's visit today .
20 I just threaten them , but er he is the one that
21 Q32 What is the relationship between market segmentation , market targeting and product positioning ?
22 Er what is the situation as far as you are concerned ?
23 Er what is the molar mass of say you had s erm
24 Firstly er what is the area covered by the police district ?
25 So erm and the other thing was the erm the maternity bill er what is the other one that so interests me that , I 've got my two favourites , erm and that is the cervical , the cancer smear test .
26 Because I do n't know what is the er what is the best location .
27 Er , four er if the plaintiffs had been so advised , would they have taken er that way out thereby the contract and fifthly , if the defendants er were in breach of contract and your Lordship decides all those questions in the plaintiff 's favour then er what is the basis on which they are to be awarded damages .
28 What is the position with regard to auditors in this case er what is the indemnity .
29 erm has the panel on doctrine really tackled the question per se what is the theological position of children from their birth onwards , and put that in a concrete , orderly statement , or are they intending to do so ?
30 That we advocate the immediate implementation of the Scottish Old People 's Chapter , to strive to maintain and improve the standard of living of pensioners by ensuring that the pension will rise according to the cost of living or er or livings or earnings , which er whichever is the most advantageous .
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