Example sentences of "[unc] [pron] [vb base] we " in BNC.

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1 I think we sa I think we sailed early October , or early October , I think I run out , I think we land .
2 Oh yes , w I mean we have got various leaflets produce still which is in reasonable condition .
3 I mean I think it 's wor as far as I 'm concerned I 'm g w I think we 're all getting out of it what we want
4 Wha what do we want a project engineer to do ?
5 Wha what do we need to be a ?
6 And er I remember we used to get the gas then , and er that was at a time they were used have an electric lamp we had had one in the stall , you see ?
7 None of those factors , er I hope we can agree , have any relevance at all do they to the issue of whether a site performs one of the five greenbelt functions ?
8 But a lot of these things come quite naturally er I hope we 'll see on when we look at the video that really I do n't think anybody had a major problem with the voice er and the words as well when you 're talking about two million pounds so in terms of the voice I do n't believe anybody has any major problems .
9 No you had two like that , er I hope we do n't break down going home Phillip so I 'll feel a twat walking around with your work socks
10 All the things that you 'd had during the Strike , but things did get left , and er tradesmen were very considerate , there was no chasing for m hard for money and er I know we had an insurance that was n't paid and we used the book to have an imaginary shilling on a horse each day .
11 When we are talking about directors of businesses , er particularly the larger companies , good people are hard to find and some of them are superstars , and er I know we 've heard a lot about er exceedingly high levels of pay and very high pay increases , er but when you talk about the superstars and megastars , what about the entertainment business , what about sport , what about , you know , golfing celebrities , earning in excess of a million , or racing drivers ?
12 But are n't , are n't changes are n't these changes er in Russia and in China forced upon them to a degree by circumstances , by the fact that the outside world immediately withdraws and opposes a rising of the people as a whole against the established government er I mean we 've seen in recent times with Iran and so on have n't we ?
13 Erm as I say he was a he was brilliant man er I mean we all we I 'm about one of the last of the ones that were taught under him .
14 You know I mean because all the people that have come to show support and er solidarity have done it er I mean we 've been very aware you know the quarry men have actually said you know no we do n't want you to actually block the land rovers we do it our own way and erm you know there 's been no out of control mass picketing or violence or anything like that .
15 I mean sh shame in the banks I mean we do n't get charges any charges from this bank , I mean if , if you er put it in some banks you get interest charge you on your cheques and all sorts of things , it , it 's as broad as it 's long usually but er I mean we are gon na accumulate money , I do n't think we should accumulate very much more now , we , we 've ample funds for everything we need er but it 's a question
16 I can understand er I mean we had some calls off er last week mainly because erm we we took we 'd spoken to those people before Christmas and we do expect people to drop out .
17 er I mean we smoked before the war
18 You see one of the things I 've done , I 've , I 've done , er I feel we could do quite easily , is make our play barns more accessible to young people , you know .
19 So subject to me taking advice from the Chief Executive , er I feel we can do what members require .
20 Erm and although I will briefly go through some technical ones erm motion number two to erm er because it 's in relation to growth savings that we have the differences between the budgets and which are actually being er proposed and er I suppose we do need to go through number six carefully as well about structural maintenance funds .
21 modern traffic calming measures however er I believe we have experts on the Council er in these matters but I believe that by narrowing the road and perhaps giving us pavements because one of our problems is that we have not got a continuous pavement through the village , and it is necessary to cross the road four times in some cases to walk from one end to the other .
22 Er I think we should also assume that the regional er budgetholders will not make a contribution to any costs we might incur cos I do n't think any budget they 'll have will be intended to cater for er you know , paying people 's wages for them getting unpaid time off .
23 But anyhow have you if you have a look here there 's erm er the er er I think we ought to be thinking about er
24 Well er I think we put ours in the bank , actually .
25 I mean and lets face it you came home from school er I think we used to come home about half past four from school summertime and the first thing you come into the house and you get a great big thick slice of home made bread and jam which your mother had also made , also made .
26 Well no but er I think we 're , we 've all got an idea how we 'd get into our own house if we were locked out .
27 Well there are one or two other things we can do to try and make you feel better er even if the , the hands are n't the principle cause er I think we 'll see what happens , work your chest out of the way first though .
28 I think , I think we have to wait for the letter , I suspect you 'll probably find both those changed to some extent after that so er I think we really have to wait for that .
29 Er I think we came to realize what that work was all in aid of .
30 I it is to what extent parishes will have additional powers and responsibilities , and er I think we 'll get onto this one , item number seventeen on our agenda .
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