Example sentences of "[unc] [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Muhammad held the post in Shawwal 837/June 1434 , Muharram 840/July 1436 and Safar 844/July 1440 ; that Hajji Ahmad b .
2 The membrane pellet was dissolved in 2.5%Triton X-100 and separated by electrophoresis on a 6% SDS-polyacrylamide gel .
3 An LED display in the top left corner of the front panel allows the user to check input gain and compression levels ( there 's up to 30dB available if selected ) , while another display in the opposite corner indicates output level , thus warning against possible power amp overload .
4 Musa , in mid-Rabi " I 818/May 1415 and bearing a confirmatory by Muhammad b .
5 A more powerful colour Macintosh , using a 25MHz 68030 and aimed at the multimedia market with at least 4Mb memory , a 40Mb disk and 14″ colour Trinitron display with 640 by 480 pixel resolution , is expected to cost under $1,900 .
6 According to Ibn Hajar , Molla Fenari was born in Safar 751/April-May 1350 and studied " in his own lands ' under certain scholars of whom Ibn Hajar names three : Ala " al-Din , known as al-Aswad ( Kara Hoca ) ; al-Kamal Muhammad b .
7 This kicks off with a bog-standard 25MHz 486 and goes all the way up to a 66MHz 486 DX2 .
8 related to the existing er agricultural or related to the agricultural buildings , that will be put up before this is built .
9 Then of course there 's this insurance thing to do as well when David 's er free and sorted out
10 Reduce the oven temperature to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and cook the duck for a further 1¼–1½ hours until the juices run pale yellow when flesh is pierced .
11 I 've er , I 've lost about a stone in a couple of months or so , that 's all , but it 's er better than gaining I suppose .
12 Now I was about to make a comment that er well most of you know who who you are and where you 're sitting , er those that have already done that have turned their name tags round so we can see .
13 If they want to settle out of court , then it has got to be a really substantial settlement to satisfy these people because er those that have already died , er they entered into the litigation in the hope of seeing it through and making sure that , er if anything did happen to them , their wives and families would be catered for and would be er financially settled .
14 Well if you want anything er er photocopied or put together let me know wo n't you ?
15 However it is clearly desirable that where such a statement is to be made in writing it should be in the same form as a statement written by the suspect following an interview , i.e. a statement under caution in compliance with paragraph C12. 13 and Annex D.
16 The current guidance is contained in a 1989 Practice Direction ( Court of Appeal : Presentation of Argument ) ( [ 1989 ] 1 WLR 281 as amended by [ 1990 ] 1 WLR 794 ) .
17 If the medical expenses are incurred in a foreign currency , a sum in respect of those expenses may be awarded in that foreign currency ( see Hoffman v Sofaer [ 1982 ] 1 WLR 1350 and see para 4.20 below ) .
18 Expenditure on design and development in 1992 amounted to IR£2.2 million and related mainly to the development of new product and patterns .
19 Now in the scriptures , we 're gon na have a look at a few because the scriptures counsel us time and again , er that we are living in difficult times , we know that and it can become difficult to stay spiritually alert and awake and that 's why constantly throughout the scriptures you 'll find that we 're er counselled and encouraged to stay awake , stay awake and as we sang stand firm and , and grow mighty spirits , the first one is in Romans chapter thirteen .
20 Just before expiry of the agreement in March 1987 Paris dealer Didier Imbert negotiated a promise of sale direct with Georges Pellequer for FFr23 million and paid Diana de Moutis FFr 730,000 in fees .
21 It would seem that erm i it was n't in the interests of one 's ultimate reproductive success to be too easily satisfied too much of the time because remember , it 's a question of relative reproductive success an and the individual that gets that little extra is is effectively gon na be , gon na be the one selected , so yes I would think that erm it 's probably naive to think that natural selection would , would make you feel er satisfied and content all the time it would probably induce erm a state of mild chronic discontent which is I think what most people actually experience in life
22 The Lieutenant was somewhat piqued by his Sergeant 's apparent lack of interest in phrenology , though the Sergeant 's low and scowling brow ridge undoubtedly betrayed the scientific reason for his inability to accept new ideas .
23 Seem to remember our sex education talk was n't very s specific and did n't cover a very wide area .
24 It is further necessary that the chances of a given cloud 's surviving and spawning copies should depend upon its shape .
25 The peeled-off clothes lie in a tumbled pile , and — at a velocity far greater than the usual speed of a naked mortal 's shy and shivering run — I convey her into the water , and out of the shallows .
26 According to stress therapist Hilary Gray , for many of today 's professional women , such transitional crisis periods as reaching one 's thirties or turning 40 can bring anxiety , doubts and conflicts .
27 ‘ The drunken idiot wandered into Vulcan 's stable and got what he deserved .
28 A few months ago , Snodin also produced Tony Marchant 's acute and bruising Take Me Home , the best drama serial of the year , in which another Yuppie ( he does n't like them , does he ? ) , this time in a new town , lost his wife and lifestyle to a mini-cab driver .
29 After lunch , Madame Edith Cresson , Mr Mitterrand 's French Source , was pounced upon by the Broadcasting Bill 's finest and made to admit that La Dame de Fer had said something positive .
30 Clearly Sir William had in mind the remarkable litigation , almost a century previously , between Sir Daniel Fleming 's agricultural and mining tenants .
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