Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 In spite of being the main source of generating profit , E&P operations have not been immune from the cost-cutting drive aimed at reducing capital debt .
2 Β -carotene did not change the shift of the proliferative zone towards the apex of the crypt and the indicies of proliferation taken after supplementation were not reduced to those found in age and sex matched controls .
3 Of course , as the investors are well aware , 11,000-plus enquiries does not mean that ATV is already a commercial success .
4 Anyway , erm we went to the Ca Polly had n't seen them in the shops anywhere and went to Caerphilly market on Saturday morning and as we were coming from it he said look there 's a shirt you want for Robert there .
5 June reckons she does n't li June does n't like it .
6 720K 3.5inch floppies do not have the second hole in the casing .
7 hello , hi Matt , alright I did an absolute steamer , excellent , did it really well , it only took me an hour and ten minutes it took me an hour and ten minutes I have n't no I knew , I knew vaguely , knew vaguely enough I mean I have , perfect question came up just describe er the youths portrayed in the er book and there was only two , there was the main character who I got most of the stuff from , from what Katie told me and the rest was the other bloke was called Carston Corsalius and basically all we knew about him was he fancied this other one , the main character , and erm was a journalist , that was it ah put it in nine times , no , I , I do n't know what it means eh , er Matt did n't come in , er a bit of a shame could n't no yeah , what did you really want ? or was that it ? yeah yeah , fixed , flexible and managed yes fixed , flex , fixed , flexible and managed oh right yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , do n't they and er advantages and disadvantages of indirect tax was , untax and direct was the other one , you know it indirect taxes yes yeah I ca n't remember , I really ca n't remember , like a colour yeah , you wan na know both of those , I 'd , I , I could n't remember all of demand pull , I put down the wage , price , wage spiral or the waged price spiral , that 's a stinker that is , that 's a beauty , I put that down , its ' a beaut , that 's my best diagram and I did three diagram' in four essays I hate doing diagram' yeah he 's here now , we 're about to go for a quick drink like , he says he 's been revising all day so erm , and I shall , I shall brief him , just as you would expect , I shall tell him all he needs I do n't , I do n't want to leave him in the lurch okay see you in French yeah , bye , bye , bye
8 Oh that saves a bit of er worry does n't it ?
9 There are n't even animal fertilizers through most of the Chinese countryside because er animals have n't replaced human labour power , human labour power being so cheap and numerous , generally speaking .
10 There was an offer in the letter if my memory 's correct but it did n't actually specify what their offer was and really I think what the Council want to do is exactly what they are offering because we have to be minded all the time that the that er applicant does not own all the land and , and certainly it is , is , is the wish I think of this Council , I believe unanimously , and , and I think a lot of the residents , that we do somehow acquire a pedestrian link .
11 Och Willy er Johnny do n't be so ill mannered .
12 However the two proteins are not entirely interchangeable for autoregulation as Vmw175 can substitute for 140k in the downregulation of the VZV gene 62 promoter in transient transfection assays whereas the 140k protein does not repress the HSV-1 IE-3 promoter in the reciprocal experiment ( 17 ) .
13 Er mummy do n't want that I 've had enough
14 Er I mean they had a family in er Russia did n't they ?
15 Well in the ninet er Darwin did n't know , frankly .
16 No , apparently Dul Dulcie did n't know who , who was who anyway .
17 You can but er Bedge has n't he likes the hard way you see .
18 No , no , she 'll she 'll erm she 'll query it , but just as well she noticed otherwise she 'd have been merrily paying it and Norm Norma does n't
19 Andrew-wa He 's been a bit er green has n't he , I think .
20 It ca n't be just figures it has to be some sort of er summation does n't it as well or not ?
21 Now we 're not su we 're not sug er Gibson did n't suggest that that was the feature that was specifically detected by erm perceptual cells .
22 Bu Mr does n't eat does he ?
23 Er diary does n't go that far .
24 Er Brian has already confirmed that er he will support the Conservative resolution which in effect recognises that some of the changes in government regulation over the past er decade has not always turned out for the best er this County in particular order er other asked the Secretary of State to re to relieve some of the pressures that generates in that area and it 's for that reason er
25 Let's hope you know er Hughie does n't listen to that bit .
26 Today er Darwinists do n't use the term fitness .
27 Well you know how the , those gutters one sits on the other at the joint do n't they , and they used to fill it with er putty did n't they and
28 However , this ad hoc procedure has not been without its critics , largely because of doubts about whether it is possible to perform the exercise with sufficient precision to arrive at a clear-cut evaluation .
29 Well I , I think after this er people have n't appreciated yet that they 've , the grounds have become a bit safer than they were the hooligan element seemed to be taking over , they have er closed circuit television now , at Walsall , so they can get to the hot spot of any trouble and er they erm the ground
30 Er people did not , in fact , wish to pay taxes in order to allow erm their rulers to play the game of war and the limited sums of money available for these wars was soon expended so when your cash ran out , then you sued for peace you , you engaged in negotiations .
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